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Everything posted by meshin

  1. meshin

    That didn't go as planned..

    Every situation in dayz doesn't go as planned for me...
  2. for what ? you're not doing nothing that at least 50% players are doing right now or wannabe doing it.. and that's 500k people, you fall right in dayz majority group :D
  3. Dude who left PBX (fast boat) on DE5 at Kamenka player spawn point, I don't know what to say... i could hug you all day long. If you ever need anything, just anything you name it.. Working hard all day long to get the choppa fixed, went AFK for a bit, come back to get stuck at loading screen. Had to crash the game, get into it again and it teleported me at Kamenka. Pissed, angry, frustrated, just most despered times I've seen.. no words to describe it. I took pitifull look around and PBX just 50m from shore... I didn't belive my eyes, all fueled up. What a ride it was with smile around my face whole trip back to the chopa, all 12km.
  4. meshin

    PBX at Kamenka

    I would be down on that Valkyrie.. Even it's a slow week for me and i've never got trouble when helping people, so don't expect gunz blazing with me.. even if that would be fun TS or skype later, couple of hours from now
  5. meshin

    Best Weapon for a Hero?

    M14 AIM.. cuz it just looks great with hero skin
  6. meshin

    Heroes few and far between?

    I used to ba a hero once.. then I got a bullet to the knew
  7. meshin

    Server Hopping

    Noup... that's not server hooping. Server hooping when for an example you go to NW baracks and then you change couple servers to get loot on them also. Or another one is when you see player somewhere and go to different server, change your position to some better one, then go back to first one and kill the plyer
  8. meshin

    What weapon was underwhelming to you?

    Crossbow is useless crap MP5SD6 is disipointing.. DMR and M14 are the most underrated weapons.. powerfull, lots of ammo. They are also only snipers you can use with NVG's..
  9. meshin

    Heroes few and far between?

    stick to it god damn it... persistance is the main thing that makes a hero skin i'm at 24k, got hero skin before i become medic.. and haven't been used and abused (if i didn't want it to) for some time now and yeah.. don't trust no one ;)
  10. For me that's huge lack of imagination.. You have the gear, power to do anything in this Wasteland and you stick yourself into some bush and kill everybody you see. Just boring... I've tried to be a bandit when I got top tier gear, shot 2 people in matter of hours for no good reason.. and just felt there is no point to this and went doing something else; finding and repairng vehicle, moving gear and seting up camps so I'm supplied for good, checking out Green montuain and Devil's castle. Attended (more like voayer to don't get killed) Sundey church mass masacre in Cherno, become a medic and got into some medic operations. Last week set out to get myself a choper so that made me busy and I got one now... in the future maybe get some public medivac or transport operationg going on, and so on. But on another hand it would be also boring and too easy without you bandits.. so you're good to be in this game to :D
  11. meshin

    Shoot on sight!

    last 3 people i've met all said they approched me and didn't shot me on sight couse of hero skin... so it works just fine for me
  12. Don't know if I'm just lucky but I have maybe even more good experience from people than bad. I have 22 000 humanity and not because I'm a medic, only been for a week and healed as a medic only 3 or 4 people so far. In the last 2 days alone I've been to Cherno 5 times and nobody shot at me, I've seen 6 unknown people; 3 of them were really friendly even with 2 I've teamed up for 4-5 hours, 1 one them didn't see me and I was spying on him for half hour, 1 I almost ran over with a truck as he was in the middle of the road with flashlight trying to stop me.. I didn't, and 1 on them killed me with a hatchet (lulz) but that I could avoid as I was fresh spawn running pointlessly around and didn't bother if anybody was there. With a chopa it's a different story.. saw at least 10 people in different groups or alone and 9 of them tried to shoot me down, I supose they see me they hatin, for me that was awesome.. :D Don't lose your ideals whatever they are, stick with them It's all you've got in this Wasteland no matter how hard it gets at times. Also with Hero skin people tend to shot at you a lot less and more of them are friendly.. thats what I've noticed so it's worth it for me.
  13. meshin

    A terrifying position to be in...

    Awesome reflexes under heavy fire you got there.. And yeah you hitted that one.. you can see blood from the hitt when you watch 10x for that second
  14. meshin

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    If it's on the weekend I'm attending.. ;) If you need some help pop me PM
  15. meshin

    Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

    Which day this would be happening ?
  16. Not quite... for a hero it takes persistance, lot of persistance. Never ever kill people with out very good reason in youre entire playtime. From 0 to get -10 000 humanity it takes hours, to get to +5000 it takes days and days.
  17. meshin

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Just too easy with this thing... :D
  18. Hero si a veteran Survivor who doesn't kill people.. not much more to it.
  19. meshin

    If you could have any gear setup in DayZ, what would it be?

    Hero skin Revolver M14 AIM Alice backpack ..it just looks fucking awesome Extra would be Offroad Hilux, best looking thing in the game
  20. meshin

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    medic ariborn, anybody needs help get to medic TS no antibiotics dough see TS chat.. i contacted you there
  21. meshin

    When is stealing ok

    if it's for surviving it's not stealing..
  22. meshin

    I bury the dead

    this is the best thing i've heard in a while...
  23. meshin

    Looking for Rangefinder

    I have 2 Rangefinders with me.. don't need them as I don't play as a Sniper. I'm giving it away to any new players fresh spawned at the coast. Basically to anybody if they want them, except Cruwlity..