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5 Neutral

About tr1matt

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  1. who cares about 1.7.7 vanilla dayz... get back on origins and play on this server... We have a few cocky bandit clans that need to be murdered.
  2. bumping this great new community... We currently have some aussie friends online right now.. great ping from germany, brazil, and australia thanks to our powerful host in Dallas,TX
  3. I agree.. great server. Friendly admins who are helpful for guys not so familiar with origins.
  4. some aussie friends on this morning.. lets get this server filled up today so we can have a fun weekend... come on guys.
  5. 13 people on and some PVP in sector B... restarting at the top of the hour.. fresh loot!
  6. Good server, nice ping... admins are active and most of all.. A WORKING RESTART SCRIPT!
  7. I will consider what you have said. Perhaps I will rename the server "Tea and Crumpets [NO-PVP] Active Medics Available 24/7".
  8. What is wrong with the server name? Rapedungeon is one of the best servers running taviana. This is a mature rated game and I see nothing wrong with the name of the server.
  9. Just added a temp website with some forums. http://rapedbeyondcontrol.enjin.com/