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About garongaming

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    On the Coast

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  1. Hey guys, Me and my friend just got a dayz server and we've started setting it up and adding the scripts we wanted (Self-Blood Bag etc.) but now I've got another question. I've played on many servers and admins have been able to spawn weapons, briefcases (in epoch), and vehicles in realtime. All the posts reguarding this topic seem to be very outdated. I've seen that they are hacking as well but that is outdated because there is no way almost every admin in DayZ is hacking. We got the server through HFB and I'm wondering how the hell the admins do this, not to be abusive, but to possibly help other players in sticky situatuions. Anyone have any information or if this has been talked about recently pointing me into the right direction of a post I may have missed.
  2. garongaming

    Epoch combined with Origins?

    In the whole area of chernarus yes. But the map is actually only a small fraction of the full size. For the map and the amount of civilian inhabitited areas it should be around 200. Not everyone would have a car because even though its ex-soviet chernarus is kind of 3rd world like economey. Even a lot of Russia its self is that way
  3. garongaming

    Epoch combined with Origins?

    The Epoch crafting system, in my opinion, is perfect. And if you could some how impliment craftable survivior vehicles it would be amazing.The level system would probably need some tweeking. Something that can steer away the pure "shoot on sight" mentallity. That is another thing that I mentioned the traders need to have a smaller, not unlimited stock and more limited market for stuff to make hoarding a lot harder. The safes and locks in brokes need to be able to be broken into!!!!! There should be something that you can find or buy for a high price that allows you to make an attempt at cracking safes and picking locks on doors. Or make it possible to break down doors without completely destroying somebodys base. I like the input guys keep it coming! :lol: :D :thumbsup:
  4. garongaming

    Epoch combined with Origins?

    I agree I hate all the servers with cars everywhere it makes the game too easy. But there should be right around 150-200 per server because thats about the number you would find in a real life setting like chernarus. But about 35% should be in mostly working condition with a little gas. About 50% should be missing 1-2 crucial items and then the other 15% should be just about destroyed with maybe 1-3 working parts. Also there needs to be not as many high end automatics and military snipers, there needs to be more civilian based sporting rifles/sniper rifles and hunting rifles. The really good guns like the M4s and the M249s need to be in more limited locations and not in a simple a fire station.
  5. garongaming

    Epoch combined with Origins?

    That's what I was getting at thank you! I thought it was a great idea I'm glad I'm not the only one And this is also a great thought. Personally Namalsk was my favorite map but I always felt it needed a little more content.
  6. So when the DayZ Mod first came out, the type of game was really kind of unheard of. And then from there it exploded. The mod became a smashing hit and everyone wanted to play. It boosted ArmA's popularity big time (even as a hardcore ArmA fan I have to admit DayZ changed the games popularity forever.) Then all these variations of the mod came spiraling into the picture. The big ones of course being Epoch and Origins. But now the mod is becoming a little stale even with Origins and Epoch out. But what if we took all the good stuff from both and mashed them together to make a Supermod. I mean lets be honest the Standalone will be great when it finally comes out. And the mod will slip into forgoteness. However, a complete Standalone game is at least a year away. Even with Alpha rumored to be coming out soon, they've said it themselves and this is what its taken as "Alpha is gonna suck. We know that. We have a sh*tload of work to get done but we need to give you guys something so we can get feedback." But back on the main topic, what if that type of mod was developed soon and gave people something to make them love DayZ to it's fullest again and made people anticipate the Standalone again. For some examples what if we took this From Epoch - The currency system, which is the reason we love epoch - Trading safe zones - More vehicles - All sorts of crafting From Origins - Craftable Vehicles - Survivor made houses - The humanity/levelup system they have And thats just some stuff. You tweak it all add some other content, like more civilian based weapons instead of hardcore military automatics everywhere, the traders to have a limited stock so you cant stockpile weapons easily, and you could have a super power mod! Am I the only one who has thought this way because I feel like I am. Feel free to shoot me down on this because I was just throwing it out there because I thought "why has no one thought of this" And maybe they have! But I haven't seen it anywhere so I figured I'd throw it out there and see what you guys think.
  7. garongaming

    DayZ Standalone (Alpha Release Date June)

    Everyone said there would be a june release :P
  8. I am looking to start a DayZ sqaud of bandits to fight against other players and teams and dominate DayZ. I'd like at least 2 more people to start off with me and my 2 friends and progressively get larger and eventually move onto the standalone. I play regularly especially over the summer. I play in the United States Eastern Time Zone. If you're looking for people to roll with in DayZ then me and my friends are welcome to have you join us. Only if you're willing to be bandits however. Thanks for any future interest! :D
  9. garongaming


    I'm looking to start a bandit team in DayZ. Sadly I am banned from battleye servers due to my keys getting stolen but i play on very good anti-hack servers. I would like to start a group of at least 4 (including myself) like I said we would be a bandit team. I live in the united states in the eastern time zone. I play regularly and I'm looking for an exceptional sniper especially. Thanks for any future interest.!