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Posts posted by donmattioni

  1. According to what I read the HTC One X uses an ARMv7 chip. The Prime is stated to have a Kal-El (Superman real name) as its processor.

    The map used in the app has a resolution of 3408x2436p.

    The American (and a few other countries) HTC One X has a Snapdragon S4 which is an ARMv7, I'm in the UK and mine is the Tegra 3 version (Kal-el was the codename for the Tegra 3) which will be why my One X displays it the same way as the Prime.

    Are you planning on a fix for other chipsets or just developing it for ARMv7 chipset devices?

    As i said originally it's a great idea and would use it if it displayed correctly on my devices

  2. S2 and 7" Tab.

    I read through the specs of the Transformer Prime and it doesn't seem to be an ARMv7 device. So off the bat I can't guarantee it working properly on your device. On the other hand your HTC One X SHOULD work fine. Others who've used the App on their HTC device (can't remember which one) didn't run into similar issues.

    PS... "Transformer Prime"' date=' what a SILLY name for a device!!! Someone in marketing has a Transformers crush. *rolls eyes*


    The HTC One X is a five core nvidia tegra 3 aswell (same as the prime)

    Just out of interest, what is the resolution of the image?

  3. The image resolution is already higher than what most devices can handle' date=' and is higher than most of the maps posted on this forum. The problem lies with your device and how Android handles it. I dunno if you've caught this thread before it was delete due to the hacker attack, but a lot of people can attest (as well as in the app market) that the images are in fact high res.


    Well i've been using this map: http://www.sticed.com/dayz/

    (which can be found in this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9331)

    on my lovely tegra 3 tablet as it works brilliantly.

    I wasn't having a go but evidently my transformer prime and htc one x aren't up to the task lol

    Which devices and versions of android have you tested the app on?
