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Everything posted by mntkd263

  1. mntkd263

    To the Owners of US 2037

    My beans are yours my good sir. :thumbsup: :beans:
  2. Today, I was sitting on the town hall looking building in cherno after being killed in a car crash where i lost a lot of loot including Coyote back pack and some nice guns from stary military base. Back to the story. i found a akm in a tree stand outside of the balota airstrip and was using that to snipe. i threw some flares and watched as multiple zombies gathered around. After about 10 mins when i was getting bored of doing nothing i saw two survivors with alice packs and lee enfields. i shot 1... then 2 and they were both down. after that i heard someone say over side chat that friendlies were coming into cherno becasue they heard the shots. 2 more guys walked in and they both went down with each shot from my akm. after that i waited about 5 more mins when i saw a guy come running through the little park in the center of the town with about 20 zeds after him. Needless to say he became zombie food when i shot his leg. There were 2 more people left in cherno (that were talking in side chat) they both knew that the gunshots were coming from above so the one guy came up to my sniping spot and didnt see me so i turned around and unloaded the rest of my clip into his face. he had a lee enfield so i took that and as the last guy approched the international hotel i shot him in the leg and he went down. apparently he didn't have morphine so i ran around and picked up some zombies and then ran to him and droped a red smoke. i racked up 6 kills in less than half an hour and they were still looking for me even when i was heading to stary.:P No beans were taken... the only thing that i got out of that whole exchange was a smile on my face:D
  3. Today me and my brother visited many different spawn locations for cars and trucks but we have not found one the only vehicle we saw was a atv flipped over on the road. i would like to know if the cars have a set re-spawn time or were they already taken and they wont ever be back again? thank you for the help:)