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anzu (DayZ)

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Posts posted by anzu (DayZ)

  1. I'll take a look through the logs but it's really hard to find much unless we have something more to go on. Thanks for letting us know about this though. Next time, try to gather as much evidence as possible, screenshot player list, chat messages, anything suspicious you saw, etc. :)

    FYI, we have our own forums section for posting Ban requests that usually get dealt with faster, in case we don't reply on here fast enough. You can check it out at: http://www.anzuswarg...ewforum.php?f=5

  2. Thank you for taking the time and effort to record this excellent footage. He has been permabanned :) I'm only sorry I did not see this sooner. FYI, we have our own forums section for posting Ban requests that usually get dealt with faster, in case we don't reply on here fast enough. You can check it out at: http://www.anzuswarg...ewforum.php?f=5

    Thanks again!

    PS: The cheater in this case seems like a real sad character, he should find another hobby that's more fulfilling in his life. He says, "If you can't beat them, join them." What a terribly misguided philosophy! :lol:

  3. Character Name: Fatbongtokes420

    Why are you a good team player? I believe in constant communication and teamwork, a solid plan and objective is also a necessacity.

    How many hours per week do you play? I play atleast once a day for a few hours, its really the only game i make time for

    Real Name: Ryan

    What is your favorite weapon? M4A1 CCO SD or Any sniper honestly

    How Long Have You Played Dayz: About a month now

    What Can YOU Offer The Clan: Maturity and communication especially during raids and pvp. Will never leave a man behind and always look out for my fellow squad members. I can also bring humor and some good conversation when out of combat situations :)

    Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: Any time....anywhere, whatever it takes to complete the mission succesfuly

    What is most important to you in Dayz? Finding a squad and building a base.....solo is no fun, i never find vehicles.....

    Time Zone: UTC-8 Pacific Time

    Age: 21

    Additional Comment: Actually fantastic at graphics design.....I can get back into it if need be to make banners for clan forums or signatures ect....

    Don't trust this guy! See why: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/81292-fellow-bandits-or-recruiting-clan/#entry802386

  4. Don't trust FatBongTokes420! My group and I decided to give him a chance just last night and we picked him up in our helo. We flew around several places and he seemed kool at first. Then we went to a high value loot area and landed to get some gear. As soon as I hopped out of the pilot seat, he jumped on the throttle and tried to steal our chopper. Too bad he didn't know how to fly, he ended up crashing as soon as he took off! LOL (well after I put half a clip of M249 into him).

    FatBongTokes420 is nothing but a capricious n00b who will cause problems in your group. We gave him a chance and he stabbed us in the back (or at least he tried to, lol...)

    • Like 1

  5. Just discovered your tool and gave it a try. Very nice work dude! I will be using this from now on a lot :D Love the features and the tool is easy to use.

    The only thing I wish it had was linux support. I often admin from a linux OS and like the fact that the Rcon GUI tool runs under Wine. I have not had success getting .NET 4.0 applications to run through Wine :-\

    Anyways, great tool! :)

  6. Just wanted to post this in case this guy is wondering WTF happened. Today on US153, there was a cheater on the server spawning vehicles. When I went to ban who I thought was the hacker, my RCON tool messed up and it banned the wrong person (twice!). The player's name was "HookedOnPwnics". Sorry dude! :blush: I removed the ban as soon as I realized what happened.

    • Like 2

  7. Another one:


    Date: 07-20-2012

    Time: around 4:40pm UTC+8

    Name: "Jeremy"

    GUID: 352901cc73b812e5d674e06d8a3c3407


    Desc: Player caught with ammo crates full of gear (rofl at screenshot, found it posted online). Logs available upon request.


    Let this be a warning to all players caught with hacked items...

    You will get caught, and end up like poor Eve here:


  8. UPDATE: About 15-20mins after this incident, BattlEye freaked out and kicked everyone from the server for "BattlEye: Client not responding"

    That happened on a lot of servers and had nothing to do with hackers.

    Yeah I kinda thought that might be the case. Thanks for letting me know. There were a lot of players who were having trouble updating BE as well.

  9. If i remember correctly I didn't see any names but I did see labels when I pointed at a variety of objects (I haven't been to your server in a couple weeks). For example, I got labels like "House", "Civilian", "Rabbit", "Man". Also not a fan of the poor man's rangefinder.

    Oh okay. Yeah, we have that enabled to help catch cheaters, because then we can at least see their names.

  10. I banned E8400 because i was informed that he was one of the players ambushing everybody. Also, I temp banned a guy for voting to kick a few different people, it may have been you. It just looked suspicious at the time.

    Does anyone have any idea what kind of things I should be looking for in the logs to detect players being teleported? I really would like to get to the bottom of this and have a means of accurately determining who is responsible.

    • Like 1

  11. Only reason I don't play there anymore is because they have some sort of nameplates active I'm not fond of.

    Thanks for the backup. By the way, what exactly do you mean by name templates active? Do you mean the player names that show up when you hold your mouse over them? Just curious.

  12. Hey, I was there when this happened but did not witness it first hand. I was on TeamSpeak with all those TTL guys and they told me that they were getting teleported to an ambush point where 3 players were killing ppl. I backed out to lobby as soon as I heard this and started monitor logs and watching the player list. I ended up banning the 3 people who we THINK were involved, but I'm not 100% sure we got all the right people. One of my buddies got screenshots of the ambush spot where a pile of dead players were, I hope to post it up here soon. If you have any further info please post it on this thread:


    Also, I can vouch for all those TTL>> guys you mentioned and none of them were cheating/hacking.

    • Like 1

  13. Banned 3 more people today. Players were getting teleported to a specific spot on the map, where these 3 guys were waiting to ambush them as they appeared. Luckily we caught the tags of some of the guys who we think it was. There was a pile of dead bodies in this ambush spot and I will hopefully have some screenshots soon...

    Here is their info:

    Date: 07-23-2012

    Time: around 6:00pm EST

    Name: "[DU]Nymphix"

    GUID: a86c00a4349dd08a66107b88969da138


    Desc: Was seen at the ambush spot killing players, a friend shot him multiple times but he did not die, then he was teleported immediately afterwards.

    Date: 07-23-2012

    Time: around 6:00pm EST

    Name: "E8400"

    GUID: dda71f16f7000156285e67e7c228359e


    Desc: Was seen at the ambush spot killing players.

    Date: 07-23-2012

    Time: around 6:00pm EST

    Name: "RANGROO"

    GUID: 187bc17b7d9eaf09bde747c27f8456f9


    Desc: Was seen at the ambush spot killing players. I am unsure if this guy was involved with the cheaters, may end up unbanning him.

    UPDATE: About 15-20mins after this incident, BattlEye freaked out and kicked everyone from the server for "BattlEye: Client not responding"

    UPDATE: I logged back in game about 40mins later and instantly got my legs broke, put into shock, bleeding out, unconscious. I did not hear or see anyone nearby me as I was in a remote wooded area. Another player in a completely separate location informed me the same thing happened to him about 15-20 minutes prior as well. I'm thinking the cheater put some kind of script to cripple ppl upon login. Rebooting the server in hopes it will be fixed

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