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anzu (DayZ)

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Everything posted by anzu (DayZ)

  1. We updated to OA beta 95208. Since http://arma2.com/beta-patch.php is going so slow, feel free to download the file from http://anzuswargames.info/downloads/ARMA2_OA_Build_95208.zip
  2. Hey Wolffe, glad to hear you are making US153 your home :) If you're interested in playing with us sometime, come register on our forums as we have a DayZ Coop group with private forums section. I can send you the info for the TeamSpeak server we use on there. http://anzuswargames.info/forums
  3. anzu (DayZ)

    Banned US 153 No Reason Given

    I checked your IP and GUID and you are not banned by either one. Please let me know if you have any further issues joining.
  4. anzu (DayZ)

    Tent City + satchels = this

    Haha no way! That's our camp for sure lol. To be honest it was a bit old and needed to be relocated anyways :) Atleast you gave it an honorable burial lol. Anyways, good find. We do enjoy the smirmishes ^_^
  5. We are now running & OA beta 95168. Please reports any issues you have here.
  6. We have upgraded the server to and OA beta 94876.
  7. anzu (DayZ)

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Yes, please. PlayerID's in-game are easily spoofed and names can be changed as well. Why not post GUIDs???
  8. You could downgrade to and beta 94444 and still come play on US153. we are still running smoothly :)
  9. i'm not entirely convinced 1.7.2 is stable yet. I hear multiple reports of losing major gear or getting put into the debug forest. If I hear more reports that it is running smoothly and less bug-prone, then I will update it.
  10. We only have them on so we can catch hackers. They have become a serious problem and tags are on for the sole purpose of catching them. I actually would like to turn them off, if hackers were not such an issue. :-\ Unfortunately, since "killed by" messages are disabled in DayZ, it makes it even more difficult to detect cheaters mass slaying or teleporting and killing people.
  11. anzu (DayZ)

    US153 Seattle 102 [locked]

    Hey zigzagzig, I run US153 and we do restarts on a daily basis, sometimes multiple times per day. We also update to beta patch usually as soon as it's released (which requires a restart as well). This is all done in an attempt to keep the server running smoothly for all players. There have been a few instances where upon restarting the server, vehicles and tents have completely disappeared. They USUALLY come back after a second restart, but not always. Anyways, just wanted to respond to ur post and let you know what goes on. Also, we always try to give a 5 minute warning before restarts. In fact I can't remember a time where we didnt give atleast a 3-4 minute warning. I usually lock the server right after i give a warning about reboot, to prevent ppl from joining immediately before it reboots. However it is unlocked as soon as it is rebooted and does not remain locked. Let me know if you have any questions or further concerns :)
  12. anzu (DayZ)

    About the Security Issues

    Thank you for the much needed clarification :) I understand things like this happen. However, there is always a lesson to be learned as well :)
  13. Hello dayzdevteam, as my first post here, I must start out by saying I absolutely love the DayZ mod and have been really impressed with the amount of detail and effort that has gone into this project. I've pretty much been playing nonstop 24/7 since DayZ came out, and having so much fun as well :) As a group leader and server administrator, I am very interested in getting my own DayZ server setup. However, as a networking enthusiast with a strong interest in security, I am also quite cautious about the software and access restrictions that I put on my servers. Unfortunate to say, I have noticed some disturbing trends by the dayzdevteam when it comes to security. Upon looking in to setting up my own DayZ server, I read online here that dayzdevteam requires Remote Desktop access to independently run DayZ servers. As illogical as this seemed to me, I thought maybe there is some kind of method to their madness. After all, the mod is hugely popular and there are many servers running already. Well, in light of this recent event: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9123 I now have some serious concerns about the security policies of the dayzdevteam. Using email as a way of storing passwords doesn't sound like the best practice :-\ I really hope the dayzdevteam starts taking security more seriously from this point forward, because I can guarantee you will see more idiots like this guy trying to mess things up. You're mod has become so popular that you attract the good ppl along with the bad, so you need to be prepared for the worst. Sorry if this sounded like just a rant. I don't mean it to be, I just don't want to see this awesome mod be overrun by script kiddies and griefers :-\ --- P.S.: You could avoid a lot of security issues if you switched servers to linux ;) (or at least supported linux servers)
  14. anzu (DayZ)

    Please Take Security Seriously

    ah okay, I didn't know that. That's good. :)