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anzu (DayZ)

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About anzu (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. We have switched US153 over to DayZ Lingor on our own private HIVE. We have two DayZ Lingor servers on this HIVE, each with custom-built, EPIC bases with bonus loot caches, weapons, vehicles, and custom spawn points. Come by and check it out! :) You'll need the DayZ Lingor v0.34 files. Here's a torrent of the modfiles: http://anzuswargames.info/mods/DayZ_Lingor_1725_034.torrent
  2. anzu (DayZ)

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Again, why not make this a poll? I vote YES. Until it is implemented properly, please remove it. They cause graphical artifacts in game and certain players just use them to cause grief. To be honest, I don't know what compelled you guys to keep them in the game this long...
  3. anzu (DayZ)

    Hackers in US153

    I'll take a look through the logs but it's really hard to find much unless we have something more to go on. Thanks for letting us know about this though. Next time, try to gather as much evidence as possible, screenshot player list, chat messages, anything suspicious you saw, etc. :) FYI, we have our own forums section for posting Ban requests that usually get dealt with faster, in case we don't reply on here fast enough. You can check it out at: http://www.anzuswarg...ewforum.php?f=5
  4. anzu (DayZ)

    US153 Hacker video proof.

    Thank you for taking the time and effort to record this excellent footage. He has been permabanned :) I'm only sorry I did not see this sooner. FYI, we have our own forums section for posting Ban requests that usually get dealt with faster, in case we don't reply on here fast enough. You can check it out at: http://www.anzuswarg...ewforum.php?f=5 Thanks again! PS: The cheater in this case seems like a real sad character, he should find another hobby that's more fulfilling in his life. He says, "If you can't beat them, join them." What a terribly misguided philosophy! :lol:
  5. Do NOT trust this guy! See why: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/81292-fellow-bandits-or-recruiting-clan/#entry802386
  6. anzu (DayZ)


    Don't trust this guy! See why: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/81292-fellow-bandits-or-recruiting-clan/#entry802386
  7. anzu (DayZ)

    Fellow bandits or recruiting clan?

    Don't trust FatBongTokes420! My group and I decided to give him a chance just last night and we picked him up in our helo. We flew around several places and he seemed kool at first. Then we went to a high value loot area and landed to get some gear. As soon as I hopped out of the pilot seat, he jumped on the throttle and tried to steal our chopper. Too bad he didn't know how to fly, he ended up crashing as soon as he took off! LOL (well after I put half a clip of M249 into him). FatBongTokes420 is nothing but a capricious n00b who will cause problems in your group. We gave him a chance and he stabbed us in the back (or at least he tried to, lol...)
  8. Just discovered your tool and gave it a try. Very nice work dude! I will be using this from now on a lot :D Love the features and the tool is easy to use. The only thing I wish it had was linux support. I often admin from a linux OS and like the fact that the Rcon GUI tool runs under Wine. I have not had success getting .NET 4.0 applications to run through Wine :-\ Anyways, great tool! :)
  9. anzu (DayZ)

    Accidental Ban on US153 - "HookedOnPwnics"

    i did not know that! Thanks! :D
  10. anzu (DayZ)

    Ban in US153 today

    You have been unbanned. We banned you by mistake, sorry!
  11. anzu (DayZ)


    I just unbanned you, sorry about that dude. Try joining again now
  12. Thanks for the great report! I've added the bans to my server as well :)
  13. Server is down at the moment. We had a server crash today, along with some network issues, and a botched registry entry >_< Hope to have it back up soon...I will keep you posted. Check our site for most recent updates: http://anzuswargames.info
  14. Just wanted to post this in case this guy is wondering WTF happened. Today on US153, there was a cheater on the server spawning vehicles. When I went to ban who I thought was the hacker, my RCON tool messed up and it banned the wrong person (twice!). The player's name was "HookedOnPwnics". Sorry dude! :blush: I removed the ban as soon as I realized what happened.