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Lenney (DayZ)

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About Lenney (DayZ)

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  1. Lenney (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    I was in that server for a bit.. They were all in Elektro killing newbs with hatchets and infections. I didn't stick around long.
  2. Lenney (DayZ)

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    Thanks for listening to the feedback R4ZOR. I think everyone is pretty much in agreement for once. lol
  3. Lenney (DayZ)

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    First of all, I love the new infection mechanic AND the rarity of antibiotics. I can't wait for the sterilization option either. That sounds awesome. I think that will actually make surviving a challenge again, but right at this moment it's simply broken. There is only one thing that I think needs tweaked, and that is the zombie behavior. I'm primarily a solo player. I sneak, crawl on my belly, use flares, etc. but the new zombies somehow seem to spot me every time, and on top of that it's impossible to lose them in bushes and trees now once you've been spotted. The only way to lose them is the hill trick (which shouldn't be a trick at all). Even using the hill trick, sometimes they will chase you once they reach the top, and by that time you are over 100m away. Look I'm all for hardened gameplay, but these zombies are ridiculous. If I'm being sneaky, crouch walking from bush to bush, these things should not be able to see me from 100m away. Please consider taking their detection range down a bit, which should fix the problem we're having losing aggro too.
  4. Lenney (DayZ)

    DayZ 1.7.7.Dev Bug List

    I don't post much here; I usually just read, but every since this latest patch, my fps have dropped significantly so I thought I would come here to report. I'm not sure if it's the servers fault since there is apparently more things going on to render, but I can't even play this anymore. Last night in Cherno, on a high population server (50 ppl) I was only getting about 10 fps. I tried switching to a low pop server (like 4-5 ppl) and it didn't improve much at all. I've rolled back to the stable build b/c I read in another post that it could help but it didn't. My pc specs: 1100t @ 3.9ghz 16 GB of Samsung @ 1600mhz EVGA GTX 670 FTW Latest Nvidia Drivers, etc, etc.. I rarely have problems running new games on max. Is it just something with Arma?
  5. Lenney (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    ah.. ok, thanks
  6. Lenney (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    I don't post much here; I usually just read, but every since this latest patch, my fps have dropped significantly so I thought I would come here to report. I'm not sure if it's the servers fault since there is apparently more things going on to render, but I can't even play this anymore. Last night in Cherno, on a high population server (50 ppl) I was only getting about 10 fps. I tried switching to a low pop server (like 4-5 ppl) and it didn't improve much at all. I've rolled back to the stable build b/c I read in another post that it could help but it didn't. My pc specs: 1100t @ 3.9ghz 16 GB of Samsung EVGA GTX 670 FTW Latest Nvidia Drivers, etc, etc.. I rarely have problems running new games on max. Is it just something with Arma?
  7. Lenney (DayZ)

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    So excited to check out all the new features guys. Keep up the amazing work.
  8. I dunno man. Dean seems to me like the type of person who really likes to dispel criticism, even to a fault. I'm just sayin.
  9. I can't help but think that this update is only in response to Rhino's criticism. Like if he didn't make that video, we wouldn't have gotten this tasty little morsel. Oh well, I guess sometimes a kick in the ass is necessary
  10. Can't be real.. No 'v' or 'w'.
  11. Yeah, that's what I was getting at. Not everybody has a gunsafe, but wouldn't it be cool if every now and then you found one? Would be even cooler if you had to go to the extremes to open it, or if you found a random journal that had a safe code in it and clues (hopefully difficult) to finding it.
  12. Wait, so Dean said in the second video that loot will be area specific so you don't get M16's spawning in houses. I have 2 M16's locked in a gun safe downstairs, along with multiple pistols. Wouldn't it be better to have it based on rarity, so that it's still possible for an M16 to spawn in a house? Also, why not add gun safes that you can crack w/ C4, or by finding journals w/ the code in them scattered around Chernarus?
  13. You may have my first beans, sir. I couldn't agree more. I too am more of a reader than poster, but I also felt the need to show some support.
  14. Personally, I think the UI looks brilliant. Compared to Arma, this looks much more user-friendly. Loving the slight details in the asphalt on the second screen too. Looks aged a bit. Can't wait to try SA. I could care less how buggy it is at this point. As long as it's got better hacker protection, I'm good. I do have a question though Dean. You said that a seperate animation is going to be put in place for accessing the backpack. I'm just wondering if there will be a way to cancel out of that quickly and pick up your gun to defend yourself. Nothing like being stuck in a lengthy animation only to get killed b/c your character isn't doing what you would do IRL. Perhaps he just drops his backpack and picks the gun up quickly?