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Everything posted by capblackshot

  1. capblackshot

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    OMG! A lot of bugs reported and... this? Sorry, but I do not believe that the team is being so efficient.
  2. capblackshot

    How to clean server history?

    Hello, My server history are too long. I wanna clean it, but I don't know how to. Can anyone help me? Thank you!
  3. capblackshot

    Blurry Screen Glitch (SOLVED!!!)

    Please, team! Fix this ASAP! :(
  4. I prefer that each server can be customized by its owner. Thus, each would choose the most suitable server to play.
  5. capblackshot

    my player froze

    This happened for me too.
  6. capblackshot

    A compilation of good ideas

    OMG! People here do not care about the suggestions. They are only concerned with judging the person and leave the game the way it is.
  7. I lost everything too. And this happens every time. :)
  8. capblackshot

    Blood Bag

    Hello, I have a Saline Bag and a IV Start Kit. I combined the two, but I still can not fill my health (there is no option to interact). How can I fill my health individually? Thank you!
  9. capblackshot

    Blood Bag

    Sorry, I think I read it wrong. lol!
  10. Hello, I'm a player of Infestation (formerly known as WarZ). Yes, I follow this game since the alpha stage and I know all the crap that Sergey Titov (its developer) committed. But with that, I have some ideas that could be harnessed to DayZ SA. Not all ideas of Infestation were crap. Please understand that I do not want to do marketing, denigrate or praise a game or another. DayZ SA is also in the alpha stage and I think this is the time to criticize it. 1 - Zombie hit and mele weapons I know the game engines are different, but it is noticeable that killing zombies in Infestation is better and easier (and the sound when hit a zombie). You can check it on the video below: http://youtu.be/SABsR_7w9Js?t=1m36s Currently, it is difficult to kill zombies with some melee weapons. The animation of all of them are very similar, and I think each one should have your animation. Other than that, when you hit the zombie, he keeps hitting you. This is bad. The melee weapons should be the best weapons used to kill zombies. 2 - Mouse It is noticeable that the mouse movement is more fluid on Infestation. I tried to set the sensitivity and the movimentation of my mouse in DayZ SA, but nothing makes it enjoyable. Well, this is not just a peculiarity of the Infestation, but of any ordinary game. Also, you can check it on the same video. 3 - Zombies crossing constructions I don't know if DayZ SA team have a solution more efficient, but I had access to some tools of Infestation and I know how the zombies do not penetrate objects. Simply, the studio/editor of Infestation has a tool that you select a particular location where the zombies can walk and spawn. Obviously, the zombies can not leave that area, but the builder, when activated, sets the area in which the zombies can walk without letting them collide with objects. This should not consume a lot of server potential, and of course, to create hordes of zombies walking vaguely by the map would be more difficult. Example image 1: Example image 2: (Thank you for my friend by the images!) 4 - Movimentation of the character and fall damage Ok, what I'm going to talk here is not related to Infestation, but when you are on a top of a building (on edge) and you walk smoothly between them, your animation stops, but the character continue to walk. Ie, many times you fall from the construction and DIE. Other games have more synchronized paces. About this theme, I would like to ask the team to give more attention to the fall system of the game. Currently, it's terrible and there is no animation when falling. Furthermore, you die or break the leg from a low altitude. I hope the team hear the community and the suggestions graciously! Sorry for my basic English and thank you for the attention! __________ What happened to WarZ: http://warzscam.tumblr.com/
  11. capblackshot

    Blood Bag

    But... http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Blood_bag_kit Is this wrong?
  12. capblackshot

    Opinions/Suggestions for DayZ SA from Infestation/WarZ

    Please, stop! I know all this about the game and, no, I'm not a developer or a moderator from WarZ. I just have 50 posts there right now. Maybe I have to remove "Infestation/WarZ" from the title.
  13. capblackshot

    Opinions/Suggestions for DayZ SA from Infestation/WarZ

    Not everything someone does is bad. I'm not wanting to discuss about the two games, I'm just using Infestation as an example. Currently, it is the only strong competitor for DayZ. I would reach this point. Thank you!
  14. capblackshot

    Opinions/Suggestions for DayZ SA from Infestation/WarZ

    Please, people! Understand that what I said should NOT be a copy. It should be used for a COMPARISON. LOL, I know exactly how WarZ/Infestation is bad, but they really had some good ideas or developments, it is undeniable. :)
  15. capblackshot

    Opinions/Suggestions for DayZ SA from Infestation/WarZ

    Ok, I'll try, thank you! But did you read the thread or just the title?
  16. Hello, It is very boring to walk around the map without a vehicle, without mentioning that the delay walking is immense. The game gets more emerged when playing with cars, helicopters, airplanes, trucks, boats etc. So my question is: when can we play with vehicles? Thank you and sorry for my basic English! :)