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Everything posted by strongtent

  1. strongtent

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    This was my experimental experience. I hope I helped.
  2. That's great you feel the need to give us your experience about killing another human being, regardless if you were right or wrong - but it does not stop the fact that there is a delay when getting into a firefight when in regards to hit detection. As people have said, hopefully it will be fixed with rag-doll implementation. By the way that's not something I would personally talk about on a videogame forum, the killing of a man. It's not to appealing.
  3. strongtent

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I'm sure they have a game-plan brother. If they don't meet your needs then stop supporting them come the end of the year. - I was going to jump onto experimental and try this new hotfix but can not find any servers. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
  4. strongtent

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Half the things you are concerned about have been talked about. So expect monotonous answers.
  5. strongtent

    So I just got standalone

    Play and experience what you find interesting. The map, what guns you can find, ect. Then come back every couple of months. That is the routine of Alpha. Or you could go half-nuts and hack, kill at random, do anything to appease your boredom and annoy other people trying to do the same. That's generally the community I find as of current.
  6. My feedback is I think they are the undead, thus they should - according to cannon, be able to take extreme amounts of damage to the limbs and body and only immediately be destroyed with a head-shot. I think all firearms should do the same amount of damage to them across the board, they are not a real player with gear. I suggest that the sum number of rounds to take a zombie down from the body is not ridiculous, there has to be a happy medium. I also suggest you remove the jumping attack animation because it is buggy and silly. Zombies don't jump, they don't climb ladders, they trip up and down stairs, as well as over fences and they also can not run for extended periods because their body is decaying with the virus that initially turned them..
  7. It should be reported and fixed, if they cant fix it they should tell the community. But people who actively go around looking for ways to fuck with people are asking for trouble. If it's in the game can not be used as an excuse either, that's just shallow thinking.
  8. To answer your question, No - people should not be doing this if they want to have a fair medium with other players in the alpha. But the reality of it is loot is not fixed, and they possibly have thoughts like you described. I for one do not server hop, nor do I play currently until so, - because hoarding is pointless in general when the completed game will have a server restart and wipe all gear anyhow. The other reality is there will always be people who want to harm other people, weather in a virtual world or the real world. Because people can be very ignorant, as well as uneducated in certain aspects of life. I should also add that there are people who take this as a game and do not even think twice about the other person on the end of the internet. I found that fun when I was younger, kind of testing my reflexes you could say. But I enjoy the human element of games more-so.
  9. strongtent

    DayZ Da Seasons

    I was using the video as a comparison, not actual implemented footage.
  10. strongtent

    DayZ Da Seasons

    In the rezzed video it was stated that there will be advanced weather. In a screenshot; Dean pointed out snow. So yeah, seasonal weather is coming somehow. I think I recall it being a possibility in Quarter 4 from the video. Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoLZogUs4No
  11. strongtent

    3D MAP

    We need this A.S.A.P. Rocket, a while back was talking about trying to implement a 3D Map that you can look at in your hands and other people will see you using it. I don't know if it is in the pipeline, but I saw no mention of it as of recent. This adds some much needed immersion and various gameplay encounters to the game.
  12. strongtent

    3D MAP

  13. strongtent

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    It's interesting but I think overall it will cause more problems than solutions. When I play in 3rd person, I play with the camera waist high. If anything I suggest locking a universal camera for 3rd person servers. I enjoy the game the most on 1st person servers and when I am playing in that mode as well, even in 3rd person servers. You would be surprised how many people can not play in first and how much you can put that to your advantage if you know what you are doing.
  14. strongtent

    we need to talk about the walkie talkies

    I was having a discussion with my brother and explaining to him how I can see in the future walkie-talkies *could* become much more valuable, and hopefully more wide spread; once loot is fixed. I don't think I will bother with third party programs ever again, because the game will have everything I need to communicate properly and have the best experience in my opinion.
  15. strongtent

    Why kill someone and not loot them?

    Bait, for the next person who comes around.
  16. strongtent

    NVIDIA Users Tip.

    Go to: Nvidia control panel > Manage 3D settings > program settings > Dayz.exe > Power managment mode. Select "prefer maximum performance". GTX 650TI 2GB. What this does for me is it helps render things quicker, I'm pretty sure it gives me a slight FPS increase as well; tho not as much as I initially thought. Credit: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/214j2g/tip_for_nvidia_cards_with_dayz_sa/
  17. strongtent

    What I have been relegated to...

    I just downloaded the experimental to try and see some of the new items. Then I realized that loot spawning is still not fixed, and once one person has hit the hot spots in the newly restarted server - everyone is resorted to running around with nothing to essentially play for. So In turn everyone just wants to kill anyone they see; to check if they have something they might need. They have no incentive not to kill. Whenever they fix loot, and add persistent sources of storing gear - the game will be a little different of an experience. The attitude of the community as a whole I don't think will change until there is something significant to play for, something like a vehicle or parts for a base.
  18. strongtent

    What is good about this game?

    The potential.
  19. strongtent

    What the f*ck is going on on the coast?

    OP had a string of bad luck.
  20. strongtent

    The UI

    Thanks for the input, everyone.
  21. strongtent

    Voice Chat. Which? Why?

    I like using the in-game chat because that is a key part of gameplay in my opinion. I have used Teamspeak in the past but I don't like using 3rd party programs. Hopefully in the future they will make more of an effort to make walkie talkies more readily available ; if just to enhance gameplay. I'm sure this will come when they fix the loot spawning (hopefully).
  22. strongtent

    The UI

    I understand what you mean. I put a No Hud option for similar thinking people.