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Everything posted by strongtent

  1. strongtent


    I don't mind going unconscious, its the really bad text system that fucks it over for me. I know rocket does not like it but holy shit, until I got first hand experience with it - it truly sucks. We need the old UI temporarily until he figures out or fleshes out something better because that difference between white text and red text as an indicator really, really sucks and causes a lot of bullshit gameplay wise.
  2. strongtent

    Pooping confirmed.

    I understand people want this, yet I don't understand why people want this. It's not teaching you anything that you do not already know from childhood. A proper example would be to show how to match blood types or conserve resources for survival, ect. I am going to be playing a video-game with a theme, I understand... but having to take a shit in-game, all the while trying to survive and enjoy myself seems about as annoying as how the zombies attack you in the mod as of current, if not more. That's just my two.
  3. strongtent

    Can This Pc Run DayZ?

    Don't buy that shit man. Especially for that price, look harder.
  4. strongtent

    Dean - Sort it out man. Losing your way

    Some people see the content for what it is, an unusual mask. Others see it and think of possibilities to exploit for their gain, based upon the game-worlds rules; adding to their enjoyment. I think it is great they are creating large amounts of content, (so long as it stays fairly neutral) because these things will essentially be a means for staying alive or being killed. Hopefully the Alpha will drop soon so people can get a feel for the game and critique it for the dev's.
  5. I would like a Wool Commando Sweater that helps with your core temperature in colder weather.
  6. strongtent

    Bigger Market in the SA ?

    I'd like an abandoned mall and/or shopping center eventually. The more diversity, the better.
  7. strongtent

    Ghillie suit

  8. strongtent

    Less ammo = more KOS

    Not everything is so one sided, I can tell you that much from looking at the dev-blog alone.
  9. strongtent

    Will the SA be better optimized than Arma 2?

    Any progress made from what we have now will be a great relief. Then maybe I can throw some change down for a nice graphics card come the holiday season.
  10. So, I'm a dick in your eyes for being blunt and to the point well after I replied with my opinion initially? Well he has a pretty egotistical way of going about showing it Don't get me started on the rest of what you said and how its wrong for anyone under 18+ to play this game, that to is my opinion.
  11. Don't try and turn this shit on me, calling me a dick. Give me a break. Let me ask you this, who's more of a dick?: the guy who made this thread or the guy who was voicing his opinion in it?
  12. We know what you mean kid. Your story sucks. *For instance, if you found someone who was afk, post up and wait for them to return. That's a more interesting encounter to tell. P.S. There should be no children playing this game. *Hint.
  13. That would be a much more interesting story, lol.
  14. There is no moral to the story. You killed someone who wasn't there, that gave you zero competition because that said person was doing real life things; being per-occupied. Thanks for trying to teach the children your twisted ideology, but I don't think it will stick.
  15. strongtent

    Standalone Release Date

    I understand that it is in Alpha, and I understand that people will download it from steam and see the bugs and cry to no end because they do not take the time to pay attention; that is if the information is given with context. I also think they should release it asap, just for the simple fact that there are people out there who want to genuinely help make the experience better and the only way this can be done is by getting their hands on the product. There are a lot of cool things that encompass DayZ and they need to be balanced, and they will never be "properly" balanced in a closed state. Hopefully the price of the alpha wont be outlandish, so as to when those who don't understand fully what they got themselves into can just shrug it off, and come back later to a better experience.
  16. If this mechanic isn't tested out I foresee sanitizer being the equivalent of finding a rare weapon in the world; which is funny and sad at the same time. Hopefully there are numerous ways to avoid getting a disease, something like finding gloves with fingers, ect...
  17. strongtent

    Standalone Zombie Jumping

    Only if they add the weapon melee animation with it. Being helpless sucks.