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About ZombieGeneral

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  1. ZombieGeneral

    [Squad] Looking for more [Breaking Point]

    Thanks <3 Still looking for more..
  2. ZombieGeneral

    [Squad] Looking for more [Breaking Point]

    20+ and would prefer someone from around GMT+1 timezone sorry.
  3. ZombieGeneral

    [Squad] Looking for more [Breaking Point]

    Still looking...
  4. ZombieGeneral

    [Squad] Looking for more [Breaking Point]

    but more info?, where you from, timezone etc
  5. ZombieGeneral

    [Squad] Looking for more [Breaking Point]

    I am sorry we are only accepting people who are fluent in English. Good luck finding a group though.
  6. Me and a friend are looking for 2+ more people to join our squad. We play Breaking Point mod and hang around Stary Sobor, NWAF and NEAS. and engage in squad combat vs other squads when possible. We like to apply tactics when we play and also like to have a laugh. We are looking for 20+ Years old. UK or fluent English speaking players. No cheaters! Can use TS/Skype. People looking for squad based combat. If you like having a laugh, have patience and know how to play as a squad then feel free to leave a message or get in contact with me. Thanks.
  7. ZombieGeneral

    LFG Breaking Point

    Looking for a squad/group to play some breakingpoint with, I am 24 and from the UK, all i ask is you are 18+ and speak english.
  8. ZombieGeneral

    LF UK Group 18+

    Hello I am 24 years old from the UK, I have been playing DayZ on and off for a while and mainly play solo but sometimes with some friends on hardcore private hive or breaking point servers but im willing to play other servers/mods. I am looking for a serious group of players to enjoy more hardcore squad based gameplay, the following is what im looking for; UK based group 18+ Tactical gameplay Fun and a laugh If you are looking for someone like me please leave some info about your group or PM me, I dont want to join random squads knowing nothing about them and finding out ingame how you play. Hopefully I will find some good guys to play with. Thanks for reading.