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Everything posted by BloodQueen

  1. First I would like to say, I found a way you can add female characters to Dayz. Of course you need Arma 2 in order to play Dayz, there is a link where you can install female soliders. (I will post on the bottom). There will be a .txt file explaining how to put the files into Arma 2. Now let me remind you, these Female Soliders will only appear if your on multiplayer or Lan(if anyone can figure out how to do it for single player, that would be cool). If you still don't understand how to put the files in, I'm sure you can youtube or google it. Now it worked for me, Hope this helps and I hope it works for you. Second, I would like to add to this pointless sexiest dispute, I am a Women, and I love to play gory games, and other games beyond that. Men (not all men, just the ones thinking this) need to stop thinking and being surprised that women are playing these kind of games, we are out there and we do exist. I have come accross alot of sextist men that think we women can't play at all, and let me asure you, I put them in there place real quick. So please men, don't bash us when we want to play a female character, and yes I have also been called a queer and other names because I played a male character. Trust me, I am far from queer lol.(not saying I have anything against them, I don't). But like I said above, I hope this helps and here is the link, go to the bottom of the page and download the .rar file. Have fun B) http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=12248