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Everything posted by Blubertater

  1. Blubertater

    Luckiest kills you've ever gotten?

    My only kill so far is probably quite lucky.. I was at the NW Airfield looting with my bud, but I get a sudden flash of player tags near the hangars. The guy is attracting zombies, and was pretty close, so I popped some AKM shots at him. Not dead, didn't hit him XD. HE loses the zombies after a while of waiting and I stalk him silently while he loots the hangars. When he goes up in the firehouse he climbs the tower.. into my view. So I take aim, but in the corner of the hangar a FAL spawns in! I take it, line up the shots. *BAM* He peeks out the window, must've heard me. Line up again, he's just putting his entirety in the windowsil. *BAM* He lies down, +1 murder count, Someone died in chat. I come off an adrenaline rush, climb up the tower and get them loots. Man, it was cool.
  2. Blubertater

    Need to Borrow M136 w/Ammo

    Too bad I already decided to shoot off my M136..Lol It ate my backpack with a FAL in it anyways. D:
  3. Blubertater

    What was your last legit kill

    Heh, last last and only kill on me so far is that I was at the NW Airfield looting with my friend. I think my friend was at the Barracks at the edge of the Airfield at the time and I was going to the hangers to loot. THEN I see tags flash up for a moment. I hit the deck and see this guy running across the actual strip close to me. I fire a couple shots as he runs into the 1st hangar with a couple zombies in chase but SOMEHOW he doesn't notice me! So for the next 10 or so minutes the guy managed to shake the zombies off and was looting the hangers and I silently stalked him across until he hit the firehouse. I see him climb up the Firehouse tower and I take aim. BUT through a stroke of luck a FAL spawned near me in the last hanger! The guy walks near a window in the tower and a shoot him with the FAL. I think I hit him and he definitely heard it and started looking outside the window. I line up my sights and pop him with the FAL again. He finally keels over, I get 1 on my murder count and it says in chat: Mitch has died. My heart was beating like hell and I go up and get my loots :D