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About aelus

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. aelus

    DayZ is FailZ (Lacklustre Infected comment)

    When I first saw this thread I thought you were going to be a cry baby carebear who was upset about dying to constant PVP. You are one of those people however you do give constructive ideas. I think the zombie count currently is FAR beneath what it will be in the future. I mean, you'll barely see any. Then again you have to remember they've been working on their network infrastructure.
  2. As far as I know the wounded system has not been introduced into the game yet. Rocket displayed it some time ago in one of his videos but I have never seen an instance of it in game. Pretty sure it's intentionally taken out.
  3. aelus

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    This guy serious? I laughed a bit when he said "it's been in development for 3 years". I think you were either lied to or have not done any research on DayZ. The mod has been around for some time but the standalone was barely announced like a year ago? What really makes me laugh is that this game has warned people everywhere you can think of (even when you login each time) that it is an early alpha. It will be buggy, stuff will be missing, and it will be very bland. With that knowledge why do kids like you make these threads? Not to mention those "cool" cinematic kills and stuff you linked... I have never seen a huge multiplayer game deliver those kinds of cinematic fights.
  4. I have to disagree, I have played DayZ for some time (as displayed in my account creation date). A huge issue the normal vanilla DayZ you so dearly love (no disrespect) had was people camping the ONLY good lootable areas. Those areas mainly being the airfields and stary sober. With the way it is now you have to actually spread out and loot different areas. I like that. You also need to take into account the server cap is tiny right now. When it expands this will become less and less of an issue.
  5. aelus

    Loot quality based on server population

    Great idea man. All for it. You ever try to join one of those 1/40 servers by the way? Haha, almost everyone of them I have joined is followed by a kick. To believe people are paying server costs just to gear up... scrubs!
  6. aelus

    Freshly Killed bodies disappearing....

    Are you seriously trying to justify flaming someone asking a question? There is a plethora of threads of people encouraging stuff like combat logging that don't get flamed but then there are legitimate questions that people want to flame others about.
  7. aelus

    These noobs.

    Not better but smarter. If you're not killing on sight.. well enjoy your constant gear farming.
  8. Not the problem. If people want first person servers let them go enjoy unpopulated servers. The rest of us shouldn't be forced into a first person server because they can't handle not being able to camp a corner.
  9. aelus

    Suggestion for the handcuffs

    Agreed. The fun it would cause to break someones handcuffs then proceed to killing them. Can you picture the rage that would come about!?
  10. Give us separate hives. I'm not dependent on 3p for peering around corners but I am not a fan of any game outside of FPS lobby games that force first person.
  11. aelus

    How long have you survived?

    Willing to bet a majority of you are combat loggers at the sight and sound of a bullet landing near you.
  12. aelus

    PvE servers to cure KoS?

    Somebody didn't read the dialog everytime he/she starts the game. You just click "I Understand" huh coolguy? No incentive not to be a bandit right now. The game is very bare and will grow over time. If you thought a "ruined" equipment system was going to stop KoS fests then you are crazy bro. Only way to stop KoS is to give incentives beyond gear deterioration. A majority of us don't kill for your gear.. if that was the case people wouldn't be killing fresh spawns. People are killed for the enjoyment it brings. Killing you and hearing you whine on mic about how much of a tool, etc etc I am is funny.
  13. aelus

    By far, the most heart-pounding moment I've had in DayZ

    Piece of shit combat logger. That's all I have to share with you.
  14. aelus

    PvE servers to cure KoS?

    Oh god no. Why do people come to survival full loot games and expect not to be killed? I don't understand the logic behind that. The behavior being displayed is very realistic. I think in a situation such as this people would revert to doing exactly what they are doing in DayZ. This is been said before by people and i'm sure people in this thread... there are so many carebear PVE games or PVP games with non full loot.. go play them!
  15. aelus

    [Elysium] Department of Defence

    There you go taking your virtual loss into a personal manner. Are you upset i'm in college? I don't get it. As for the topic at hand, it was a significant loss. Someone tried to steal something I created and failed to even get it up and running. That gives me satisfaction.