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About WashedGlass

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Turkey, Ankara
  • Interests
    heinz baked beans
  1. WashedGlass

    Loot Not Spawning?

    So, whenever i go into any major city, no loot spawns at all. This did NOT happen before 1.7.7. whatido E: Loot spawns on tiny villages and stuff, but no loot spawns on ANY major city or any place with good loot (airfields, to be exact)
  2. Name: WashedGlass (IGN Pavel Morozov) Age: 14 How long have you been playing dayz?: For 6 months or so. Bandit/Hero?: Neutral Bandit (not KOS) Timezone: UTC/GMT +2 hours How Active: Most of the time Anything else we need to know: My computer is not that great, so it cant handle high-pop servers.
  3. WashedGlass

    Could it be possible to put a train in DayZ?

    If the tracks are extended and don't only go along coast, and if you could roam around it as if it were terrain, it would be incredible. Thought it might be really, REALLY buggy, this would be good. Think of the Train Raids! tl;dr, yes, it would be nice