Hello, I have a problem, that I most of the time get kicked out of helicopters because of a high ping. It gets really anoying to destroy the helicopters always through that kick. I really dont know if its Arma, DayZ, my computer, ... I have this problem on diffrent DayZ mods, too. I play always hours on server with no problems. I get kicked not only one time. Then i take a Helicopter, fly a few minutes and i get kicked because of high ping (usually a ping about 500-700ms I get displayed in the kick message). My ping in the lobby is most of the time in between 20 and 40 ms. I'm scared of flying helicopters only because of this kicks. Can someone please help me or are there a few other people with the same problem? If you need specific information, tell me, I will try to get them. EDIT: I talk with my friends on Teamspeak and they dont even notice any lag. They understand me clearly even at the moment of the kick Thanks for your help, lauserloss