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Everything posted by Project_06

  1. Project_06

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    So can the US servers actually show for US players? The devs seem COMPLETELY unaware that servers are simply gone from the lists. Oh and also if youre going to let streamers get into Exp. servers instantly you could at least tell us instead of lie to our faces. 4 streamers in the same exact Exp. server at once is hilariously coincidental.
  2. Im looking for a group of people, when i say this i mean a already formed group of people NOT a clan. I prefer the experience with a group of regular people and not a clan that has ranks and crap. Im online almost everyday and play mainly Breaking Point. Pm me or post replies here.
  3. Project_06

    Looking for a squad of 4!

    Ill join up if you play mainly Breaking Point, ill play other maps too but NOT Origins... My time zone is PST(United States West Coast) PM me a reply.
  4. Im bored of playing on my own so im now looking for a group or even just an individual to play Breaking Point with. The only thing i want of these people is to have a mic and you gotta be mature. My skype is divine_equinox if you want to hang out and play some Breaking Point! Be sure to tell youre sending me a request because you read this forum otherwise i wont respond. My time zone is PST(United States West Coast).
  5. Project_06

    Looking To Start A 3 Man Group To Game With!

    Hey ill join in if you can overlook that my mic tends to echo when people yell, Im on pretty much every day for upwards of 5 hours playing variaous games.(yea alot because i aint got shit to do). Heres by skype: divine_equinox
  6. Im considering buying Dayz and i know that the Standalone is apparently coming out soon but i want to play Dayz right nao, so im not completely clear on what i have to buy/download to get arma 2, the addons, and the mod itself. I want to do all of this over steam but i have no idea how to install dayz through steam. Also, what do i NOT get if i dont buy the EXTRA addons for Arma 2? It says the Arma 2 and Arma 2:Operation Arrowhead are necessary to install dayz, but what if i bought these two then later i bought the rest of the addons? Would there be some complex installation process? If someone could give me a link to a tutorial for buying/installing arma 2 and dayz by purchasing them off of steam that would be much appreciated.
  7. Project_06

    Pre-Purchasing Questions Please Help!

    Thanks alot Rage, im sorry iw asnt completely clear on that but you told me what i needed to know. Now to download the 14 gigabytes...