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Everything posted by Gandolaf

  1. It would be a great way to restrict areas all over the map, and would complement another suggestien that had bolt-cutter etc as ways to get into locked rooms with better loot.
  2. Gandolaf

    Craftable armor

    I would love to see stuff like this: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100416205011/metro2033/images/6/69/Metro2033_2010-04-16_13-43-43-87.jpg Military stuff combined with other things(like the shoulderpads) Or this:http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130731142911/metro2033/images/a/a5/MLL_heavy_suit.jpg which is put together from all kinds of stuff.
  3. Gandolaf

    No more Towns

    Maybe they will further extend the map,that would be cool.
  4. Gandolaf

    Char' restart & campers....

    Sounds like you tried to combat log. That doesnt work anymore. He propably killed your character when you logged out.
  5. Gandolaf

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    I alredy did that. One of the devs(I think it might even have been Rocket) stated that they could even be animated! http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1wmt1l/trench_coats_fort_that_omar_little_look/
  6. Looked up some pictures,YES PLEASE.
  7. But everyone who expeceted more is simply stupid. Lets not forget the disclaimers telling us NOT to buy the Alpha please.
  8. Gandolaf

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    Badass longcoats.
  9. Gandolaf

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    You are playing the wrong Alpha.
  10. Gandolaf

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    Being tedious and annoying is the whole point of the survival aspects. If you don't want to spend your time doing those things play another game.
  11. Gandolaf

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    They posted in-game models fpr poop and vomit on their facebook page.
  12. Gandolaf

    Crossbow being effective

    It just does not take 30 seconds to reload. My brother and I both havecrossbows,and reloading them does definetly not 30, 20 if you are slow. I just hope they get the animations right,i am tired of super-soldiers reloading crossbows with one hand like it is nothing. And one thing i wonder, wouldn't bolts have an extreme advantage over guns against ballistic armor?
  13. Gandolaf

    Standalone Priorities - The Big One

    Would you care to explain why?
  14. Gandolaf

    Standalone Priorities - The Big One

    No, because this is alpha and all those things you are talking about are for beta. Alpha=Adding all the features, fixing easy-to-fix bugs or game-breaking bugs(really game-breaking,like not bein able to respawn) Beta=Fixing the resulting mess.
  15. Gandolaf

    Suggestion: Insanity

    What an original idea. I think this was never ever suggested before. Even better, use it as a punishment for people who kill on sight! This will have much support and was never posted before!
  16. As stupid and unfitting ops suggestion is, not a DM? Did you play DayZ for one minute?
  17. Gandolaf

    our map isnt "small" its not "balanced"

    I hope they expand to the while Chernaurus.There is a picture that shows that the current map isn't even half the size of Chernaurus.
  18. Gandolaf

    My Theory on how zombie hordes

    We want zombie hordes not because it is easy,but because it is hard!
  19. Gandolaf

    Gun Straps

    Just do it the old-fashioned way,leather.As soon as hunting is implemented making stuff out of leather will be a viable option.
  20. Gandolaf

    Game Development Priorities

    You read those warnings,right? This hasn't much to do with priorities, it was just much easier to implement while the other devs work on the more serious issues.
  21. They really should add this to the warning.
  22. Gandolaf

    Can't wait to go on hunting trips up north!

    The map actually has been expanded by 2 km in the north. It is possible and very likely to happen again. Dean also sayd that they maybe will add different islands and landscapes that you can enter by going to the border of the map and change to another special server.
  23. Gandolaf

    Walker, Texas Ranger (the African Canadian version)

    I second that. Trench coat and beard please.
  24. Gandolaf

    SA | Vehicle Spawn Point Randomization |

    Cars should be extremely common.Every broken car we see in the SA should be repairable.Look outside of your window,how many cars do you see? They can't just vanish, but they would need extensive repairs and fuel.