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Everything posted by Gandolaf

  1. Gandolaf

    The Mosin can't hit properly at a steep elevation?

    I think it is a confirmed bug for the mosin. Also you game looks terrible.That's all.
  2. Gandolaf

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    I usually just walk past people saying"hello" in a friendly tone,often works :D
  3. Gandolaf

    Game Optimization

    Optimazation is mostly done in Beata afaik,except if it becomes a big problem. But then again i am no programmer and this could be bs.
  4. Gandolaf

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    But PvE was never a big part in DayZ,why are those people here anyway? The zombies were always just annoying at most once you had any kind of weapon. Also,where do you get " HUGE chunk"? Did you make a guess? Did you make a poll? Are you Santa Claus and know everyone? And DayZ was,is and will ever be mostly about PvP.No changing done here.Sure,the zombies will be harder and more numerous,but i doupt they will ever be the main threat.
  5. Gandolaf

    End-Game Playstyle

    Now some people will come to tell you that "end-game" has no place in a sandbox game,completely disregarding vehicles,base building and other possibilitys.
  6. I killed 3 people i think,always in dire situations,died a lot more,so about 0 on average.
  7. Gandolaf

    Mosin or M4? Consider upcoming changes to game

    I will only ever use bolt-action!
  8. A sword(even though the sword someone posted here woul make much more sense,don't know how they are called) would be one of the if not THE best weapon against zombies,because zombies don't dodge,don't wear protective armor,swords are easy to maintain and of course doesn't need ammo!
  9. It is so easy And a question,if i quote things they are always quoted twice and i have to remove one,am i doing something wrong?
  10. Gandolaf

    Allowing suicide

    At least in alpha it should be possible. It doesn't relly matter if it gets abused because it is an alpha and you are not supposed to have fun.
  11. Gandolaf

    Bloodied overlay.

    Yes please.
  12. Gandolaf

    Winter Survival: The Northern Expedition

    Bonus points if some areas in the north also need a gas mask to survive(extra bonus points if it puts an overlay over the face like in the Misery mod for Stalker http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/803/bettergojupiter.jpg/)
  13. Gandolaf

    Zombies and Nature

    MY dog once becam pretty mad at my grandma because she was very upset and tried to disrupt the family-harmony.He usually loves her and all other people.
  14. Gandolaf

    Sniper Rifles

    Can some long-time ARMA player tell me and the others what the M107,KSVK and the AS50 are being used for for in ARMA?
  15. Gandolaf

    Sniper Rifles

    I hope the expand the map to the whole chrnaurus,even if it takes years.
  16. Gandolaf

    Zombies and Nature

    Thats why i said ther would be an option to shut the dog up.
  17. Gandolaf

    Zombies and Nature

    Zombies are only a placeholder right now,they will be changed a lot. And i don't know,would i have to feed horses? Don#t they eat grass? I am not familiar with horses some info would be nice. I would also expand on the idea with the dogs. There are many threads about adding punishments for bandits because of KoS,but they are usually just plain bad and artificial,puish one playstyle and would hurt the game. My idea would be this: Every player has a hidden karma(don't flame,go on reading) that has no effect on the player,no shaking no heartbeat,nothing. But if the player tames a dog,the dog would react to this karma.If a player tames the dog,the dog would react to other players.If the other player has positive karma he waves with his tail,if he has neutral karma he just alerts his owner, but if the player has negative karma he would bark and growl,and if the other player comes to near or draws a weapon the dog attacks. I would also give the option to tell the dog to be completely quiet so he does nothing,and if you have the dog for a longer time(meaning more bonding and training) he could earn a stance that alerts you of other players but still keeps quiet. Also,if bases are added,they could guard the base and search for enemys Why do i think this wouldn't break immersion? Because dogs know if other people mean trouble,and i speak out of real life experience there. The disadvantages would be that the dog would need food of course needs to be found and tamed first. And i am very sure there are a lot of bndits that would just hunt the pets of other people. Last but not least we would need an item or command to tell the dog that certain players are ok and don't need any attention,like your friends or people that are friendly.
  18. Gandolaf

    Duo Blackrose's list of pistols

    I agree with as much as i can except one thing... I want a 8" Revolver,because they are fucking awesome.
  19. Gandolaf

    Item idea: Pocket knife

    The possibilities are endless!
  20. ANd they STILL keep coming...
  21. Gandolaf

    some cool wild life

    Read the roadmap,they are currently working on a nice wildlife and hunting system.
  22. Gandolaf

    Does anyone get bored camping?

    Didn't notice your username.Proceed with being too lazy to play the game.
  23. Gandolaf

    Does anyone get bored camping?

    Are you really camping for MOSIN AMMO? Why not camp for something thats hard to find? Just visit Zeleno one time and search half the houses and you will have more ammo than you will ever need.
  24. And i never said it wasn't.But saying "nobody is punishing you for being friendly" is just plain wrong.
  25. If getting shot in the face isn't punishment i don't want to know what you consider a punishment.