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About Sayla

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I actually don't have a steam account, I can get the T.S info over DayZ, if that is all right?
  2. Sure, I need a side server to have a group on. I have a year and a half of experiance, am a Hero, I am a 19 year old girl. I.P and I can get started with you guys.
  3. Sayla

    Guns for Blood Bags

    I need quite a few blood bags... 30+. I have multiple military grade rifles, I have an SVD camo, M4A3 CCOs. I have a certain server I need them on, so when we decide who, that would be terrific.
  4. Hi, Sayla here. I have wanted to start a group of people to do some major adventure/DayZ Action with. I am looking for Veterans/Elites, either or both. Also have proficient skills in the game in general. Servers we plan on can be decided when we finally settle in. U.S recommended, but all are welcome.
  5. Sayla

    Taking Out a Clan

    They weren't the best shots, but I watched them kill several pros by themselves before. I see these people often, just not all together. They are good at the game. What I didn't mention was that their chopper is now mine. They hit me twice, though.
  6. Two days ago, I was playing on my Bandit Server (I have a server where I am a bandit, and one where I am a hero). Due to some previous events I died in, I spawn in God forsaken Kamenka. I get a lift from a friend on the server, who left immediately after, to Cherno. I loot the good places, church, market, firestations. I find an AK-47 Kobra, with 3 mags. I seem to be doing pretty well, and I head off to Stary in hopes of maybe getting a Long Range rifle. As I enter Stary's med tents, I find myself a DMR and two mags. Excited, I rush out, not wanting to lose my new toy. As I walk up the hill to leave, someone fires at me and hits my leg. This server, luckily has a staring loot of only bandages, morphine, food, and soda. I use the morphine when i fianlly roll to cover, bandage and fix my leg. I find I was not shot at by 1 person, but a CLAN of 9, all filming for YouTube (Explained later). I run away, knowing, even how proficient I am with a rifle, and the game in general, I would probably kick the bucket. I make my getaway to Berenzino where I loot the hospital, grabbing medical supplies. While there, my 9 old friends decide to join me. In a heli. I hide in the market, knowing I am extremely vulnerable. They still don't know I am here. They split up to loot, and 3 coming in the market. I am in the very back room. 2 of the 3 make it in the back hallway. I take those two out quickly. And then I see it. The 2nd guy I killed. On his back, an AS50. I know I have to hurry. Over Direct Chat, the whole clan is freaking out, yelling and shouting. I loot the AS50 for my DMR, and the guy has the most AS50 mags I have ever seen in one play. 6 of them, all together. I loot 6 and take his back pack, and everything in it. The large coyote backpack will be large and bulky but may come in handy. I run out, them finally the last guy in the market was right about me being in the market, and run away. It is still 6v1, as the other 3 disconnected in rage. I make my way to my destination, where I know the 6 will follow. NEAF. NEAF on this server has added spawns for weapons and gear. It is often the deathpoint for many. I am walking through the forest, thinking I have escaped my aggressors. Suddenly, the snap of a bullet was heard, and the 6 were screaming that they same me. I took cover behind a tree, knowing this is my last stand. I hear them laughing and taunting, and just in spite, I peak out, and manage a skilled shot. First one popped in the head, They stopped laughing. My poor tree was taking collateral damage. I couldn't peak without being shot. Then I had an idea. I turned slightly to an angle where I could shoot other trees. I start takign popshots at the trees, and my plan is working. I start hearing the clan say there is more than one, and they start to back off a little. I take my opprotunity to take another shot at one, and kill him. 4v1 now. The four now realize that I am a threat, and in an attempt to rush me 1 runs at my with an M249 SAW, and shoots me, in I am ssuming my arm. I am bleeding, but I manage to "No-scope" him, and the other 3 start to get angry. I bandage and eat a steak. I start to back off, trying to make an escape, when another snap. I go prone in habit, and see the ghillie. Armed with an M107, I see him aiming again. Now this next part, I have a hard time beleiving myself. But I swear to you, I shot the ghillie through the scope. I saved Pvt. Ryan. I am 1v2. The next shots won't be long range and I know my AS50 will be shit. So I pick up the SAW, and the other 200rd mag the enemy has on him. I start talking back at them, telling them I will let them live if they just walk away. Which they didn't. They continue to shoot at me, and snaps of gunfire ar continued to be heard. I am pinned behind a tree again. Realizing I can't stay like this forever, I take a risk. I peep around and return a burst of fire. I hit one in the leg, and when he collapses, I put him out of his misery. I, now pumped with adrenaline IRL and IG, I rush. I dive prone when on the side of the tree he was behind, and spray him. 10 shots to the body before he knows what happens. Thanks for reading.