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Everything posted by starkvix

  1. Everything works great except for one thing. Anyone logging in can't get in. Client side in the community tab under "Mods" section it says "Available mods 3" then "0" then "Unrecognized mods 1" (3/0/1). In the OmegaManager start screen it has the mod number listed followed by "L". Anyone logging in gets the dreaded "Warning (0x00040074 etc... Client has a mod which is not on the server etc...)". Mods and keys are in their respective places and the omega.cfg has the mods there. Can anyone help?
  2. I can’t find any experimental servers in Asia! Can somebody give me a list of servers in perhaps Australia which doesn’t show up on my server list.
  3. Where are the Asia Experimental Servers? I'd love to test! Idea: You should be able to cut up camo netting with knife and using a sewing kit, camouflage clothing items such as helmets and backpack. Maybe even going so far as a ghillie suit.
  4. I can't find any Experimental servers in Asia???