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Everything posted by hobbithenry

  1. Self Blood Bag has returned, more on it's way!
  2. Parachuting vehicles when you buy them?!
  3. hobbithenry

    "you have 0 friends"

    I'll do the first clan plug, Check out www.konvictgaming.com we are a friendly bunch/clan/community that plays as a group or in smaller teams. Cheers, Goat
  4. New traders look rather nice!
  5. Epoch 1.something.4 has landed! Gear now locks in vehicles!
  6. I am starting a new base! My first day off looks like it's collecting supplies!
  7. Two days off starting tonight, Should I start a new base?
  8. Three new applications this evening! Do you want to be the fourth and make a base with them? Or us? or yourself? There's plenty of space to build what ever your choice!
  9. Moved house and set up ready! Time to pick up my hatchet and chop some lumber!
  10. Landed six times and crash landed twice yesterday. Time to buy a new plane and learn some more!
  11. Just recycled our cars and deleted ruined ones. Many many new vehicles around now!
  12. Three guys flying planes together?!
  13. Two guys have just been caught blowing up someones base. They have been banned. We do NOT tolerate people destroying other peoples stuff. KG server is for enjoying Epoch. Goát
  14. I am now doing daily damaged vehicle removals to free up slots so there are plenty of vehicles for everyone! Goát
  15. Two guys just crashed their chopper, A KG member picked them up and returned them to their burning bodies! DayZ isn't just PvP guys!
  16. Logging in for the evening! Streaming the new DayZ Aftermath mod later on Konvict Gamings very on Twitch channel! Check us out!
  17. I have just deleted 150 vehicles! New spawns will be finding transport very easy today!
  18. Cooked my Lamb, boiled my water, Ready to live in the wild this evening! Join us around the camp fire?
  19. On all afternoon guys, Come say hi!
  20. Check out and drop us an Application Vimes. :)
  21. Intense night on the server! Tons of PvP in Elektro whilst our new team of trial clannies build their base! PvE & PvP can live in harmony!! Goát
  22. Another fun night with Konvict Gaming! I flew a plane around being a taxi driver for clan mates and random players! Landed 5 times and didn't crash! Sold it to finish the night, although I did nearly hit a tree on the last landing as I couldn't be bothered to use the whole run way, oops! Goát
  23. Online now for the rest of the day! Come say Hi!
  24. I'll be online in around two hours on the TS for any questions or applications! Will update when I'm online!