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Everything posted by hobbithenry

  1. Taking a break from creating a Taviana map i have found a c185 and flown the map all the way to an empty tank of fuel! #planelove
  2. Progress is being made on the Taviana PVE map!
  3. Working on making the Taviana Map tonight. Fingers crossed it gets working!
  4. Safe Trade Zones added. Next job is to create the PVE whitelisted Taviana Epoch server to the clan!
  5. Adding Safe Zones tonight! What would you want next?
  6. Self bloodbag has returned. As soon as Epoch supports safe zones they will return also!
  7. We are now running Epoch working fully! Good times!
  8. A new PVE only server coming to Konvict? Taviana Map? Incoming! The next few days!
  9. I've reached my build limit! ahhhhhh
  10. We hit Overwatch again last night, Should we get an Overwatch server? It's rather fun!
  11. Geared back up, Revenge mission?
  12. Just died. 10 day streak alive over!
  13. DayZ standalone is sneaking on to steam RIGHT NOW?! Should be available soon then!
  14. Found a stacked corpse at the north west airfield today! Was that yours? Nice VSS/M24 combination!!
  15. Well the chap above sounds like someone were looking for! Welcome.
  16. The PvP event was epic! Captured a town, killed a few, got some friendly fire! Communication to be worked on for next time! Coming to join us?
  17. Anyone played Epoch Taviana?
  18. VSS - What a gun! Black Market traders are open to everyone!
  19. I just found an Epoch supply crate! 36 Scrap metal, 12 tank trap kits, sledgehammer, mortar and cinder blocks! Exciting!!!
  20. Hunger Games on Wastelands DayZ? Sounds like an interesting new challenge for myself! Help me?
  21. Just banned two guys breaking a base. We do not tolerate this! We shall prevail to keep your hard looting safe.
  22. New scripts been added in on our Dayz Epoch server. Also we are playing Aftermath and Overwatch as groups!
  23. Someone is thinking of making a village, fancy it?