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Everything posted by hobbithenry

  1. Haha it was epic using a taxi to move it round!
  2. Server is gaining ranks on Gamtracker, What does this actually mean? I have no idea!
  3. Quiet Saturday night, Everyone must be out drinking! Perfect time to come and chat with the regulars and gear up in game!
  4. Coming soon (like tomorrow or today maybe?) Vehicle towing on the main server!
  5. 3 guys nearly took off a C130 tonight. Shame about the tree....
  6. Server getting busier with all our new add ons! Fun times
  7. Debug menu, Take clothes & custom loadouts added today!
  8. Good community building up now. Big groups of players but also a few smaller groups. Good mix.
  9. Flown my plane for around 5 hours today!! I'm like a taxi!
  10. Jump on our public DayZ lounge TS and say hi if your unsure about clans or have questions about ours!
  11. Well refilling my plane auto style was nice!
  12. Added Autofuel, tent sleep and indestructible cinder block walls!
  13. New splash page on its way with rules etc! Going to spend at least 10 minutes on it!
  14. If you could add something to a Epoch server, what would it be?
  15. The server is buzzing tonight!! So many vehicles, planes, choppers & people having epic battles!
  16. Cinder block walls become indestructible tomorrow on our public server! Safe bases to build your PvP armory?
  17. Doubled the vehicles on our PvP server! Many around yet!
  18. PvE is getting busy, possible 1.8 DayZ vanilla PvP server coming up!
  19. Whats this bus route I've heard about? Looks epic!
  20. Added Combo Locks and Lock Boxes to the PvP and PvE servers tonight. Good times are a happening!
  21. Pve Lingor Epoch map now playing! Trader prices lowered to make it harder. Time to P V E!
  22. Yay! PvE server is now running! People have started building!
  23. Boom cheeky Pvp! It's nice swapping between PVE and PVP for what ever you fancy in Konvict Gaming!
  24. Lingo map is insanely fun! Love it
  25. The New PVE server is up and running on the Lingor map! Beta stage whilst I change these to make it harder to survive against zombies. More coming soon!