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About TurkishMonkey

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. TurkishMonkey

    November Round-up

  2. TurkishMonkey

    November Round-up

    yeah klesh, spill the beans
  3. TurkishMonkey

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Ok, ill check back in 6months
  4. TurkishMonkey

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    If this game out yet?
  5. Lay off Gummy you fucks, even a troll has a bad day :lol: Fraggle i has a questions. How many people currently in the dev team?
  6. TurkishMonkey

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Dean, What will the release process be? will it be a post on the forums, a popup on steam, im just sitting here, checking 4-5 websites every day to see when it will be released.
  7. #illuminati #iwanttobelieve Client side bubble talk is very exciting. I know we arent to expect much but if rocket and co pull this off well, will we have insurgency type hitreg?
  8. It's been just long enough for the neck beards to come out of the woodwork again. Listen motherfuckers, if you want the game made your way under your terms, then pick your 4day old jocks out of your ass and build your own fucking game. You fuckwits really dont have a clue. You would think your ignorance of how game development works would give you some humility, but no you little pissants just keep on moaning and groaning. I wish i was there to see you get yelled at by your school teachers, fuck i would pay money to see that shit son, acting like you shit don't stink. so help me baby jebus, if you fuckheads complain when the alpha is out i will not stop the troll bashing until i get a ban, who the fuck needs the forums anyway, its the 21st fucking century, all i need is 9gag bro. eat my dick gentleman.
  9. TurkishMonkey

    DayZ Development Twitter

    False. rocket has confirmed that the number is 25 and hoping to double in the next month.
  10. animators, animators, animators :P great to hear of the ongoing growth of the team.
  11. wow that's exciting, when you say double, what kind of people will be brought on board? What skillset do you think the team is lacking to warrant the need for that many more people? Really exciting news mate.
  12. nah bullshit bro, i want it NOW NOW NOW In all seriousness, I've seen the stuff that ARMA guys do with scripting missions and such and it basically makes my brain melt, i cannot begin to imagine the work involved with modifying a complex engine like this into doing things that it was never intended to do. If anyone says anything negative about this game based on the fact that its not released after only 6 months of full blown dev work, they are basically telling everyone that they have zero clue about how this stuff works.
  13. Is it just me or where other people excited when the initial release date was scrapped? I was stoked! I was informed about the development and new it was a repackage of the mod set for a december release. Hearing that it was going into full blown standalone development was almost as exciting as a release for a long awaited game :lol: I enjoy the nerd rage over the delayed release date, your tears and impatient anguish give me the greatest joy. you know who you are fuckers. :lol: Edit: holy shit rocket posted, are you high? go back to reddit where you came from :P
  14. TurkishMonkey

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    i think my F5 key is broken...
  15. TurkishMonkey

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    EPIC! good to see them moving onto some smaller features! do you run faster when switching to knife? :P