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Matias123 (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Matias123 (DayZ)

  1. Hey. I'm looking for a group of 3 - 5 people in it, preferably bandit or hero.

    I have five - six months experience of DayZ playing, so I know basic stuff and how to survive and how to boom boom other players.

    I'm 15 years old. Live in Norway, so it would be preferable if you're from Europe. And no TS. TS dosen't work for my computer, for some unknown reasons.

    My skype name is Orcaid123.

  2. You're Age: 15

    What times Do You play: I can play most of the day from 3 pm to 11 pm. Much more on weekends. But since I'm from norway, you're one hour infront or behind me. Not that big of a difference.

    Skype Name: Orcaid123

    Bandit/Hero: Usually Bandit. But can sometimes be a hero.

    Wich Role Do you Prefer To play:Marksman and Assault.
