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Everything posted by LoulouMekna

  1. LoulouMekna

    [SA/Mod] - Natural Medicines

    Yeah, I am thinking of something. Have you ever seen the movie Into the Wild ? The main character has a book upon all plants he could find in the area he wants to go (Alaska). Why not implement a in-game book, which contains all kind of plants and vegetable, the way to prepare it, and advices to recognize them We could find too the dangerous one, which can be lethal or just bad for the health. In the movie, (yes i'm spoiling but I think most of the people saw it), Alexander died because he thought one plant (edible) was another (lethal), and this is why he died, he found his error at the next page of his book ! It would increase the realism in game, and for example, in a team, only one of the player could become a specialist of plant, and prepare all the things while his friends are looting. And then it adds an interest to have basecamp.
  2. LoulouMekna

    DAYZ Urban map

    Beautiful, which software or mod are you using to make this ? :D
  3. LoulouMekna

    DayZ : Standalone forcing graphics?!

    I mean by obligation, that one of the choices have to be choosed.
  4. LoulouMekna

    DayZ : Standalone forcing graphics?!

    Think graphic performance. Not everybody have a monster as computer, and grass (vegetations somehow) takes lot of instructions while showing 3d models. Why didn't you present a solution ? I think the 3d model, at long range, and for low end computer, should be removed, and replaced by a single cube with grass texture, which takes not any instructions on the GPU to be clipped on the map. And this should be an obligation ! An option like : "At longe range, show vegetations with : - 3d models - only cube + texture" I'll agree with some people who will say that it would be ugly. But it's the only solution to simulate grass at long range, without forcing gpu to show highly detailed 3d models.
  5. LoulouMekna

    Petition for Mountain Dew on SA Game

    It depends how the company see that ! They could be offusced to see their products uses without permission, like they could be happy to see that they are making free ads ! Don't forget that Coca, Pepsi and co are very powerful, and their team of lawyers too...
  6. LoulouMekna

    Petition for Mountain Dew on SA Game

    They have to ask at Coca, Pepsi, and the firm that produces Mountain Dew, if they can use the name... But sadly firms often asks money for allowing the name to be used. Maybe they can do like in movie's industry, use "products placement" and it will be Coca, Pepsi and Co that give money to BI for making an hidden advertising of their products !
  7. LoulouMekna

    DayZ: SA cars

    And don't know for you, but personnaly I like to drive sportly, when I'm alone, and quietly when i'm with gf or friends. It ISN'T the same way to change gear ! When I drive quietly, I don't increase the engine speed over 3000 rpm ! But when I want to drive faster, I usually make the engine go over 5000 rpm to have more acceleration, but in the other more gas is used. On basic cars we can find in Tchernarus, i don't think there is lot of automatic gears. In USA, i don't know, but in Europa, not every family have a automatic cars, especially in rural and poor environments like in tchernarus. With the system of changing gears, people could choose which kind of driving they want, according to the current situation. -> if they are driving in wilderness, they could be less agressive on the acceleration pedal, gas uptake will be decreased, but acceleration too -> if they are in a dangerous situation, if they have to drive very fast to survive, they could choose to pass their gears at more high engine speed. However it would uptake lot of gasoil, and why not can damage a little bit the engine ? I think the clutch system is too elaborated to be resumed by a single button, and almost every adult civilian considers like a reflex the fact to change gears. For the acceleration speed, we could reuse the sytem of Q, W and E. Numbers are for a gasoline car, not a diesel cause I event habits to use them Q -> slighty increase the engine speed to 2000 rpm W -> increase engine speed to 3000 rpm, not quickly, not slowly. With the first gear it will make a brutal starting. E -> quickly increase engine speed to 5000 rpm, with the first gear, makes the wheels burning and is not effective cause you could burn the wheels and not be faster than a starting with W, but in second, third, and fourth gears you could make the difference to escape from a dangerous place. Too much time at 5000 rpm could heat the engine, which could be damaged and gas uptake will be very high
  8. LoulouMekna

    Fruits and Farming

    I have an abandoned house near my house, for 6 or 7 years, since owner died, and no one is living here, he had a vegetable garden, with potato, tomatoes, raspberries... I went here last summer with friends and I remenber the garden was full of potatoes plant, and some tomatoes was landing on the ground, but almost ate by insects and birds. The rasperries bushes were very full, and we ate some of them :) We could find in Chernarus, in every village some houses with a garden, that allows us to find potatoes, and some berries, which they grow very easily without human interventions, but are very vulnerable to birds and insects...
  9. LoulouMekna

    Linking DayZ with steam workshop

    For just editing textures we don't need Blender, just paint or maybe photoshop. Blender is for putting textures on 3d model (or creating 3d models but I think it would result on weird shape that people will make). Actually, skin (textures) and 3d models are separated, but Arma combine them to make : a 3d model, with multiple texture, like face, clothings... All characters in Dayz are based on only one shape (maybe one for man and one for woman), and texture are juste picture we can find in Arma files. All videogame are made like this If they put an editor in the SA, people should only customize the texture and not the 3d shape I don't know if I'm easily understandable And like I said upper, an editor like Skyrim, or the Sims, or maybe Fifa would allow players to make characters that look like their, and give more freedom than the actual profile settings, with premade face. However the editor should not allow people to customize the base of the characters, the 3d shape, too much freedom in modeling will not be interesting
  10. LoulouMekna

    Linking DayZ with steam workshop

    Modeling new player shapes in blender is not very interesting.. character are human and body shape cannot be changed, an editor would be more interesting like these we have in skyrim or other RPG! We could choose color, weight, face and other details ! :)
  11. LoulouMekna

    Fireplace and meat cooking

    Just imagine : you're in Tchernarus, near Cherno, it's raining as hell. When you hear some shoots from not so far away ! A bambi is shooting at you with the makarov he just found ! Lucky you, you have a M16, a full magasines, and you shoot him with all the strength and the power of your soul ! Bambi is dead, but you, you're hit, you're bleeding, your blood leave slowly your body ! "What can I do ?" would you say. You have some meat in your backpack, but without cooking it, it can be dangerous, you could have an infection. Zombies are running after you, so you run to the nearest forrest and run and run. After 200m, it seems that no more z's are following you... You stop, harvest woods, and try to light on a fire place. "What ? It doesn't work ? The wood is very very wet..., I will die !!" This little introduction was written to remind you of the absurdity of the actual fireplace system. Actually, even it's raining, snowing, winding, you can light a fireplace, just with (wet and just cut) wood and matches. This is not so realistic. In the real world, to light on a stick of wood, it must be drying for months before it can burn alone. And you will need other devices than only a matches to burn it, like a newspaper, gas, dry grasses. And if waiting 3 months to dry a wood pile is too long for you, some solutions exists ! First solution : portable stove. Portable stove are easily craftable (you could make one with two soda can, a knife and some scrap metals) http://www.thesodaca...w-to-build.html But, not for this soda can stove seems to work only with denat alcohol, which can't be found for now in Dayz. I'm wondering if gas could be effective to run it, or too burnable and explosive.. :/ Second solution : use gas for light up I don't know if you ever tried to light up a fire with only woods, outside, but it's nearly impossible. Only if you sprinkle the woods with gas, oil, or some burnable liquids. The fire will begin instantly when you throw a matches in, and the heat made by the gas will at first dry the woods, which will burn alone when it will be completely dry. Third solution : use cigarette lighter sockets on cars They can provide a suffisant electrical current to heat a resistance (an huge wire in spiral, under a metal board, to avoid contact between meat and resistance. Inconvenients : hard to make the connections between the resistance and the cars in a videogame... ! Thanks for reading, Excuse me for my bad english, I'm french :)
  12. LoulouMekna

    Fireplace and meat cooking

    Not a lot of space is required, have you seen the link ? It takes not more space than a can
  13. I only want to say that AS 50 is British weapons, and Britsh never came for fighting in Tchernarus, if we follow the background of Arma 2. However Russia is really near, fought in Tchernarus against USMC, but we NEVER find any Russian scoped rifles. SVD, Dragunov, KSVK ? Tchernarus army used them before the infection. I'm not against AS 50, because I play on registered server, where cheat is nearly impossible. I play on it for hundred of hours , but never see any AS 50, nor hear any of them. It's the proof that the AS 50 is clearly very very rare, and without cheating it's very difficult to see one of them. ;)
  14. LoulouMekna

    [SA & Mod] - British Weapons & Gear

    BAF never came to Tchernarus. Russia is less then 10 km north of NEAF, Tchernarus army uses russian weapons, half of the population in Tchernarus comes from Russia. But nobody cares we don't find any SVD, Ksvk, Dragunov, in Dayz. So I don't think BAF weapons have a reason to be found in Tchernarus, in Takistan why not because BAF fought here, but not in Tchernarus.
  15. LoulouMekna

    [SA] No snipers, no choppers.

    How can we explain the amount of M4/M16 rifles ? And M14 ? And M1911, M9, M249 Saw (all weapons that begins by 'M' in fact ahah) The airstrip and airfield nearly only spawn american weapons, that sounds like they were important base of US Army while Tchernarus war
  16. LoulouMekna

    [SA] No snipers, no choppers.

    And historically, the SVD was sold by Russia to all "Eastern" country, during the cold war. According to wikipedia : "the Dragunov has become the standard squad support weapon of several countries"
  17. LoulouMekna

    [SA] No snipers, no choppers.

    Yeah sorry, I forgot which country were involved in Tchernarus campagn, and there's only US, Russia and local guerilla! Effectively if British Air Force never came to Tchernarus, we shouldn't find BAF weapons ! The only scoped rifles of USMC are M24, M40A3 (which are relatively close with hunting weapons, quality increased), DMR, and the M107 for antimaterial. The M107 is hard to manipulate, make a very huge detonation and has high recoil, so it's not a weapon "for pussy". It should be still make disadvantages by her weight and her height, people should run slower when they have it, and the dayz team could make it rarer, because it had no strategical interest for the USMC to bring it in Tchernarus. We should find at least some of russian army's scoped weapons, like SVD, but at really rare spawn site. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/52/ArmA2_Chernarus_factbook_map.jpg We can see that Tchernarus country and Russia are really close, so why not an abandonned army base in the north of the map ? (I know it doesn't concern the topic)
  18. LoulouMekna

    [SA] No snipers, no choppers.

    I made it to explain a logical reasonning on the spawn of military and non-military, and made it pretty quickly because I'm at work right now !
  19. LoulouMekna

    [SA] No snipers, no choppers.

    I live in France, in the middle of nowhere, where there's a lot of farmers which practice hunting. For example, in my town (~250 inhabitants), there is maybe, fifty people who owns an hunting license. It's the only way to buy rifle (not militaries ones, but for hunting like .22 long rifle, double barreled, pellet guns) and ammo. So as far as I know, peoples only owns civilians guns. In east europa country, where dayz takes place, the legislation is very close, due to the European Union ! So I think it will not be an incredible event to find an hunting rifle or a light handgun in most of the houses in rural places of Tchernarus. BUT, in my towns, people who owns guns doesn't let them lying on the ground in their house.... I hope they thought to make very great hidden place in the SA to find these little treasures, like attics, lofts, or in basement in the house. It's must take more time than actually, just check in the house to see if a weapon has spawned, and leave if not. We must have a chance to find them hidden on the top of tall furnitures like wardrobe and so on... => In conclusion, we would have to spend 5 minutes in the house exploring all the possible places ! The amount of weapons would not be decreased, but increased, but much harder to find. We'll know that there is a hunting rifle in most of the house in this little town, but for finding a weapons, it must takes nearly 20 minutes of intense searching to find one, excluding zombies or other players agressions ! However, Tchernarus seems to be an old communist country, and according to the movie "Lord of war", at the end of communism reign, there was very easy to find military stuffs, if we have relatives or friends working in the army, but not so easy for poor farmer of middle of nowhere. These military weapons coud be buy by wealthier people, who lives in cities, or more urbans areas, not as the same ratio that peoples owns guns in rural areas, but don't make impossible the chance of finding a military weapons in the basement of a lovely house in the center of Tcherno... And don't forget that before the infection, Tchernarus was a land under war, with many guerilleros, and helped by the US Marine Corps, so find weapons cache in wilderness could be possible, but very rare, and at random place like helicrash sites, but not so visible, and do not have all military weapons in 50 copies, with all ammo, but for example, an US military cache could have one or two M4/M16, various ammo but not in quantity, military clothes, scopes (for the SA's system of modding weapons), bipode, grenade, etc... The same for guerilla's caches with Ak's, guerilleros clothing... When USMC, BAF and other armies came to Tchernarus, they known that it will be close combat, jungle combat, like in Viet Nam, and doesn't bring necessary very efficient scoped rifles. The priority was not long range combat or anti materials combats, but short or mid range, in covered areas, with lot of trees, and many hills. This country is not made for sniping ! But it's made for assault weapons, machine guns. For anti personnal combats ! A M107 or .50 as no using, if the army facing is an informal guerilla, with for best equipments a Pick up with Mounted machineguns, or lot of pedestrians soldiers hidden in the forest ! I don't say that these weapons doesn't have to be found, but they have to be very rarer. For choppers, I think it will be more civilians choppers we could find in cities, but as many said, make it harder to drive, longer to start (a real life helicopter must be started at least 5 minutes before the ride, because the rotor has to increase his speed to come to the good speed for taking off.) For the vehicles like car, motorcycle, bike, trucks : they have to be very much easier to find ! But to find a car which have fuel in the fuel tank, and able to drive along without fixing it must be as rare as actually 4 or 5 spawned cars on the entire map. The car part must be found in some place like garage, or like in the mod in industrial places, but with more diversity. => one engine part for the car, one for the trucks, one for choppers, wheels at different sizes, who could be still mount on incompatible vehicles, but make a problem of direction that makes the car always going to the left or always to the right when no key is pressed. It could not be this hard to find vehicles. At least there's one vehicles for two house in Tchernarus, because the country is poor, but not as poor as no one could buy a cheap sovietic car. But the vehicles could all be more or less broken, making a car not a precious objects. In the mod, having a car is a great achievements, not as good as having a choppers, but make the travel on tchernarus easier and make team more able to mount a camp. If the car is not longer a rare features, other people won't try to shoot at sight the driver when they see a car, because they know that they could find another vehicles not so further.
  20. LoulouMekna

    [SA] Gathered map

    Hello everyone, I don't know if my idea was posted before but I was thinking at it before the development team announced that they were adding Utes in Chernarus. So i think all map (official at first and some of unofficial) could be gathered, to make an "extra large" map. But after this idea, I thought that it could act like these maps will be separated by a long desertic land. I explain : Actually, you want to play with your friends in Tchernarus, so you log on a Chernarus Server, if you find an airplane, or an other vehicles with long range, this is totally inutile. Why ? Because an airplane is made to travel long distance, and it's totally unefficient on short range like in Chernarus (you only have three air strip, and all of them are the most attractive place to be and to snipe...) The placement is only a supposition, I thought that Namalsk shoud be all on the North, Chernarus (+ Utes) and Taviana have nearly the same weather, the same for Takistan and Fallujah. I wondered me if Panthera has a place here, because I see this island, like Lingor Island near the south america... My suggestions is that players could choose where they want to spawn, like they choose actually in what map they want to play, with the abilities, if they find a plane or a chopper or a boat, to go through the limits of the map and could go explore other map, to find another specific stuff. Another suggestions will be that little Island will be created all around the sea, where teams could make a camp, protected from outside, without civilians loot, like baked beans, but with a lot of meat, and lot of vegetables, etc to eat. I know that a large amount of map like that is not very easy to handle for the server, which would be much more effective than a server which run only one map. But I think this is handlable on recent and dedicated server. To go further, the loot table could be revisited and only certain kind of weapons could be found on different island or land. Namalsk could become a very atractive island due to the amount of army base we can find here, but lowered by the fact the weather is very bad, and the constant radiation on this island breaks all the digital devices we bring with us, like GPS or NVG... Taviana could be interesting for the amount of hospital, supermarkets and civilian looting. (Sorry for my bad english, i'm french !)