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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. So, I know the vanilla arma 2 has a golden revolver and a golden AK. Why not add them into the game as extremely rare weapons? For example: (I will make these numbers up, as I am too lazy to search a loot spawn sheet) Say the revolver has 1% chance to spawn in a supermarket, the revolver would have 0.1% chance of spawning golden. Same goes with the AK.
  2. I've had a blast on BMRF. Joined in late September-early October 2012, and that's pretty much the only server I've been playing since then. I've had my best moments on dayz here. Like this one time, I had by far my best firefight. It was on BMRF Taviana, and these guys set up a base in a little compound, with the only entrance blocked by a bus, and was pretty much inaccessible from the ground. They had a huey, and around 5 guys. We had 3 people, an enfield, a ghillie suit and a hatchet, that's literally all we had, lol. So we saw them land, move vehicles around and stuff, waited for them to go away, and one of us started hacking the bus with a hatchet, we didn't know if it would blow it up or not, and after 10 minutes of smashing it while I was overwatching, it finally blew up, we laughed hard. The huey flew back and started dropping people off around us, we were backed up in a little area with only one entrance, I was in a tree with the ghillie suit and the enfield, they didn't know where we were, and luckily they dropped one guy right above us, we killed him right as he landed, got an m107 and an m14. We decided that the person with the m107 should get away before they surround us, and i'd keep the m14 to cover the entrance to the area and kind of bait them out for the m107. Some guy runs in to the area thinking he could get cover from our third guy that found an m4 and started shooting at him, I shot him in the back of the head, our third guy comes and loots the body, there was a second m14 for him, so we both stayed here as the chopper went and picked them up. In the middle of the fight, the message "this server is going to restart in 5 minutes" pops up, I stayed logged in, I didn't want them getting behind me for the server restart, and of course, some guy runs into the compound at 1 minute before restart and I drop him. After the server restart, the huey flew back, and started hovering around to drop snipers on rooftops, and bam, our m107 shot the propeller and it goes down (but doesn't explode), our two m14's started running to the crash site, meanwhile the m107 already picked off two of the snipers on the rooftops, the other m14 guy got shot and killed, his killer got m107'd, and there were two people repairing the huey that I took out. The huey had all the parts needed to be full green again, we got it and went to the base, where there was a last sneaky guy hiding under the urals that shot and killed me, but my buddy killed him. In the end, we went from a single enfield, a ghillie and a hatchet to being fully geared, about 10 land vehicles and two choppers. That fight started a very fun war on BMRF Taviana. and most of the fights were very enjoyable, and both groups were very nice to each other on side, and even once, I've bloodbagged one of them, because we were the only two people of the groups on. Thanks for reading, BMRF is by far the best server I've played on.
  3. Best server I have seen yet, great admins and great community.
  4. Of course, even with the police and military there are still serial killers, there will always be fcked up people.
  5. capitainedesolation@yahoo.fr

    Good News 9/21

    I got curious after reading the first post, looked around, it looks like a hack that shows a map of DayZ with every single vehicle, tent, and player on the map.
  6. Been playing for about 3 months, never found: SVD camo Mountain dew m240 Soldier clothing (if it's legit, I heard rumors about it having very low chances of spawning in the v3s) M4 holo Radio Bear trap Satchels
  7. I just remembered, there is also an island SE of skalisky at about 10km where you can hide a heli, though I tried with a friend when we had our chopper, if you try to relog there, it tele's you to the coast
  8. The first type are most likely servers that have been hit by hackers teleporting all the vehicles to the coast.
  9. I picked up APB:R a couple of days ago, just to see that "hacker's paradise" in action, honestly, I didn't see any obvious hackers. And people in the chat seemed pretty friendly (overall, of course, there are always the little kids, but hey, this is the internet!), and I didn't see that many hackusations either. Btw, I find the game to be pretty fun, even if some of the weapons you can only get by paying real life money seem really OP (mostly thinking about the silenced MP5). And I don't think DayZ will become a hackusation fest, because the standalone is on it's way, and there will (hopefully) be a new anti-cheat system (I'd love it if VAC was in it, but I doubt it's going to happen).
  10. Hey, so I have become a hero yesterday, but my debug monitor keeps going to 0 zombie kills, 0 headshots, 0 murders, 0 bandit kills, and 0 humanity each time I relog. I have tried putting on a ghillie suit, and each time I relogged my normal stats were on, but if I went to the hero skin, the stats will go back to 0... Is this normal? is there a fix to it? Because it never happened to me while I was a bandit, and I am guessing both skins work the same way.
  11. Yes I know the stats are being recorded in the backround, when I press i, I still have my zombie kills. And I also saw that about the debug monitor being removed, I am happy about this, I just wanted to know if I was the only one with this issue, or if I could fix it. Thanks for the info anyway! :)
  12. Got another thing to say on this thread.. the mk48 is awesome and all, but don't shoot it in a town... This gun is a zombie spawner, I entered the church with 5 zombie kills, left with 71.
  13. At night time, nothing can beat an FN FAL ANPVS in the right hands, the sights are perfect up to 500 meters, very accurate, and double tap them pretty rapidly so they can't alt+f4. Super easy to use, acquire target, click two times, get a murder. I also love the normal FAL, but I find the sights to be a bit "fat". Also, the sound of the fal in burst mode is just terrifying But yes, the mk48 is a beast of a gun, and it's the gun I use most of the time. Also, the 1866 is very good against zombies, 1 hit kill, and zombies don't agro that much with it.
  14. New deals now on the store! Pay 10 cents for a magazine of [insert gun here] Pay $2 to get a CCO on your [insert gun here] Pay $3 to get an SD version of [insert gun here] Pay $5 for a thermal scope on your [insert gun here] Pay $7 for DMR, m24, M4 203, M16 203, CCO variants... Pay $8 for ghillie suit or camo! Pay $10 for NVG, rangefinders, gps, AS50, mk48, M4A1 CCO SD, m107, 249 saw, SVD camo, m4 holo! Yeah, in short, bad idea. By the way, this made me laugh: "but I am low on money ATM" so, because you are low on money the whole game should go f2p?
  15. capitainedesolation@yahoo.fr

    Lucky NWAF Barrack Run

    Lots of guns, but only the saw is interesting IMO. The m16 ACOG is good, but with the alt+f4 issue, it's impossible to kill anyone with it.
  16. I'm not even gonna bother anymore. You win. You win the award of most epic comebacks ever. "hurr durr u listen to justin bieber all the time"
  17. Dude... You don't know anything about my age, my music interests, or anything, I almost never listen to rap, sometimes I do, but not all the time. And please don't say I listen to stuff like that, because you didn't get your hands on my I-pod, and don't know anything Anyway, you want information on me? Fine. I'm 18 years old, I was born in Limoges (little town in the south of France), from an american mother and a french father, I grew up in Mali till I was about 2, then moved to the Reunion island till I was about 6, then I moved to Paris where I stayed the rest of my life. I mostly listen to less famous artists that produce better content and barely get payed for their music, this is an example, one of my favorite artists: You'll say "But he has 8 million views on most of his videos", well he blew up over the last year because lots of famous youtubers found his music and liked it for the fact that it doesn't have lyrics so is easy to talk over, and his music is free of copyright. Is that enough for you to work out a way to make fun of me? Seeing how you enjoy doing that, I might aswell let you, since it doesn't hurt anyone :)
  18. I hate mainstream, but yes, those songs were pretty famous, but hey, I don't care, I found them good. At least they weren't about some dude banging a fake girl over some clip with a beach and 50 girls in bikini like every single pop song nowadays.
  19. Cleanin' out my closet Sing for the moment Lose Yourself And since I skipped quickly in the video, I only heard some bits, but from what I heard it's the modern stuff he's pumping out, I liked him better in the late 90s to early 2000s. But if I could control what music you put on, I would put none, so people like me couldn't bitch about it. Oh, and music is all about taste too, so I might dislike your tastes in music, you might dislike mine, but in the end it's a form of enjoyment, and I don't enjoy music on a video that's not about music.
  20. Am I supposed to react like you when I read this? If so: "GO FUK URSELF NUB U DUNT NO SHIT BOUT ME IM SO 1337 I GUNNA HUNT U DOWN N KILL U" There you go, now I sound as ridiculous as you do. By the way, the phrase you said was in spanish, and you wanted to say "Suck my dick if you don't like it"... Well my translating software works better than yours...
  21. Is that supposed to be French? Well if it is, you failed. Hard.
  22. And what exactly is hilarious about being from France? I must be missing a stereotype or something. And you come from youtube.com, so that's also funny :)
  23. Wow mate, don't get all upset and start insulting me, and no, I didn't watch a 17 minute video of sitting on a mountain with an as50, and I just skipped through the video. Is that a crime all mighty "evil.piggeh"? And don't post 4 times in a row, use the "edit" function right under your post and change it. It's just pathetic and makes you look like you are new on the internet, every forum has an edit function... PS: I find the amount of butt-hurt in your words hilarious.
  24. I like eminem, but you just had to chose the worst songs he made... Also, sniping new spawns isn't exactly a challenge, try sniping places like NWAF, stary, NEAF, where people actually have stuff to counter you, way more challenging, satisfying, and rewarding.