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Kate Upton

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About Kate Upton

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States, MO
  • Interests
    PC Building

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    Gamer and athlete addict, how do those two mix?

    Any questions? PM me, I might know how to help!
  1. Kate Upton

    will my pc run Dayz?

    Did you make this thread just to show off your specs?XD Yes, this will easily run Day Z...
  2. Kate Upton

    Why remove the 50?

    Like Gews said, just add the lapua (with a few tweaks). Gews Topic: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/136058-50s-gone-add-the-lapua-with-2-changes/#entry1328033
  3. Kate Upton

    Same Fps in every settings!

    Those are pretty decent specs considering that your only getting 18-27fps. Make sure to check for any programs that have malware, or even delete unwanted programs. This is the best advice I can give, sorry if it doesn't help bro:/
  4. Kate Upton

    Battleye "Ping To High"

    Maybe try resetting your router?
  5. I've had those errors before as well. Re-installing OA fixed it for me, might want to give that a try.