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Everything posted by ShaunW50

  1. Hey, When I join any server I get the error message 'confirmation of changes'. It was fine for a week but today this happened, I've reinstalled DayZ, tried beta patch, turned of firewall etc but still get the error message. Any ideas?
  2. Hey, So I was going to post this in bug section but I wanted viewiers on forum to see this so I can actually get a reply. When I join any server I get the error message 'confirmation of changes'. It was fine for a week but today this happened, I've reinstalled DayZ, tried beta patch, turned of firewall etc but still get the error message. Any ideas?
  3. So I got gobal banned on arma 2 operation arrowhead servers from battleye, but does the ban go over to DayZ mods/server can I still play DayZ?
  4. Even servers that are hosted not by arma, hosted by for example if you hosted a server.
  5. So when your banned on arma 2 your banned on dayz because it's really same game and servers but just a mod.
  6. So I got gobal banned on arma 2 operation arrowhead servers from battleye, but does the ban go over to DayZ mods/server can I still play DayZ?