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About ShaunW50

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hey, When I join any server I get the error message 'confirmation of changes'. It was fine for a week but today this happened, I've reinstalled DayZ, tried beta patch, turned of firewall etc but still get the error message. Any ideas?
  2. Hey, So I was going to post this in bug section but I wanted viewiers on forum to see this so I can actually get a reply. When I join any server I get the error message 'confirmation of changes'. It was fine for a week but today this happened, I've reinstalled DayZ, tried beta patch, turned of firewall etc but still get the error message. Any ideas?
  3. Even servers that are hosted not by arma, hosted by for example if you hosted a server.
  4. So when your banned on arma 2 your banned on dayz because it's really same game and servers but just a mod.
  5. So I got gobal banned on arma 2 operation arrowhead servers from battleye, but does the ban go over to DayZ mods/server can I still play DayZ?
  6. So I got gobal banned on arma 2 operation arrowhead servers from battleye, but does the ban go over to DayZ mods/server can I still play DayZ?