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About Jmoney

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    On the Coast
  1. Had the same thing happen while I had an m249 SAW on DE server. Except when I dropped the weapon my SAW dropped and m4 stayed.
  2. Jmoney

    So how many item slots are in a tent?

    I would like to know the answer as well. Anyone?
  3. Jmoney

    What is the Beta Patch?

    I'm no expert, but I'll try to answer your questions from experience (playing with dayZ v1.7 and latest Arma2 beta patch for a while now). 1. What exactely is the Beta Patch? Bohemia periodically releases beta patches to ARMA series games. They do not become official updates until they are tested AFAIK. 2. What is it adding/modifiying in the game? Depends on the patch I guess. You can check the changelog for a particular beta patch here: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php The good news is beta patches doesn't modify the original install, so you can run both the patched and non-patched versions of the game whenever you feel like it. Installer creates a separate shortcut to launch the beta patched version of ARMA2. You could still run the official version of the game using your old shortcut. 3. Is it obligatory to have it installed, to be able to play the 1.7 and 1.7.1 Updates for DayZ? I believe it is recommended. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. I know that the combination of 1.7 DayZ + ARMA beta patch are required on some servers. 4. Why is it usefull for DayZ? Improved performance, less bugs, less lag. 5. Will we get further updates NOT requiring the install of the Beta Patch? Dunno. 6. The word "Beta" irritates me: there are hundreds of builds of this patch, latest being 93666. Why is it still a Beta? What makes it being a Beta? Come on, you're playing ALPHA version of the DayZ Mod... Beta is one level more stable (in theory). Beta means it is still in testing / continuous improvements. 7. Can I uninstall the Beta Patch once it is installed? I think you can still play the unpatched game after you install the beta patch. Don't know about removing the beta patch. 8. Are the bugs in 1.7 resolved? (ocean spawn, when ghillie suit on, et cetera) Some yes, some know. I know the ghillie suit is still a problem in 1.7. Check out the announcements for each release under announcement section of the forum for details. Here are the details of the upcoming 1.7.1 patch that should fix some more problems: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=10353 Hope this helps
  4. Jmoney

    Beta patch and Steam with Overlay, etc.

    thank you for posting this
  5. Jmoney

    Offroad pickup with 8 wheels \o/

    Seozor, thank you for posting - saved me time:) I have a similar problem with UAZ repair. After putting engine, fuel tank, scrap metal and 4 wheels the WHL indicator is still red. When I walk up with a wheel and try to repair I get 4 green wheels (front L, front R, rear L, rear R) and 4 red ones (Middle L, Middle R, LF2, RF2). Kind of afraid of dumping more wheels if they are going to be wasted and won't change vehicle status. Does anyone know if this is a bug / glitch? Can this be fixed somehow? Should this be reported in the Bug section of the forum?