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Everything posted by Floyd93

  1. i've been stuck on this death loop for 2 days now and even after the hotfix can't respawn on my server. i've tried all these "quick fixes" that players posted and said that it worked for them and nothing has work for me.
  2. Floyd93

    You are dead, but cannot respawn !

    Have a clan member running on 10hrs now that he can't respawn, the respawn button even went grey on him. Hopefully this gets fixed soon.
  3. Floyd93

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    not every private hive likes hackers.. i would just like have the option to mod my own server, and able to have full control of banning hackers and being able to put tags to see who is who since pubs dont have it.. then dividen is was made dayz mod popular with all the different types of dayz's you can play, people enjoy different things you can stick to pubs if you dont like it they will be made by the devs
  4. Floyd93

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Server: Initial implementation for Sub-Private Hives (ongoing) Server: Initial implementation for regular & hardcore Public Hive So private servers are slowly being able to exist?
  5. Floyd93

    One Survivor? (Urgent)

    I think where he was getting at the random spawns was "if" your in a party that whole party gets spawned at a" random" location "not to the group leaders position"(preferably out in the wilderness near a small town, not a big town/airport to prevent big loot exploiting) and if your "not" in a group you'll pick up where you last logged. And you can't travel fast by hoping onto another character to port your whole team to that specific area cause it'll be at random everytime, on the plus side there is suppose to be a 15-30 sec timer after logging to prevent the combat logging so even if they try to port out of a firefight they will still be vulnerable even more cause they are on auto
  6. Floyd93

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    Server: Enhanced Server-side security & customization options ^- how to access?
  7. Floyd93

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    Pretty much how its going right now, and if you do anything wrong to those not paying they are gonna try to get your server kicked off just cause they can't Deathmatch in areas or server hop for loot. Its pretty pathetic right now. But hey what can we do rules are rules
  8. Floyd93

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    You can lock your servers, I'm a current server owner. Its just you get 3 warnings (from my server provider) before the server is shutdown. Its all because of the game being alpha, The whole "testing mode"(something you can't really do with all the COD players coming in the server blasting everyone they see) which i find completely retarded excuse for not allowing people paying for the server to not be allowed to. When you start kicking those players, they go and report your server and try to get you blacklisted saying your an admin abuser and all this other bs. Which half the idiots posting the admin abuser in forums are completely full of it tbh.
  9. Floyd93


    Well that just sucks, i just got myself a server for us and a couple friends now me and her can't even play together.. would of figured that would of be a #1 thing they got done due to friends wanting to team up together
  10. Floyd93


    Does this not work with LAN parties? My lady and I are trying to play together, every time i join a game and she tries, it says connection failed.Then when i leave and she joins it lets her in. Then i can't join..?
  11. Floyd93

    Server Provider

    Doesnt say much for the Standalone Server Host Providers nor a list of any(i've already seen people ask about the list and these same links were provided to them)... Already searched through the Dayz forums only seen Vilayer/Gameservers and the list that was posted was for the Dayz mod. Any help will be appreciated.
  12. Floyd93

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    Misread the post, i apologize had to go over it and the admins do remove the players atm which is causeing the up roar of the "admin abuse" since they cant lock their servers.
  13. Floyd93

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    The main reason i side with the server admins doing, is cause some people want to play the game the way it was intended to be played.. the player vs the horde a Co-Op way, and i honestly can say alot of people dont know how to do that they just shoot everything that moves on sight like its fucking COD(sorry for the harsh language btw). The Hosting Admin are getting rid of the idiots that cause the pvp mayhem. If they server hop onto a pub with their gear thats there thing and that should stop i agree. But like myself i would like to host a server and play with my mates and whoever else without having to worry the douches that focus on rampaging spraying of the guns when something moves and play the game how it was ment to be played. Yes it might be in alpha stage but how can we fix whats wrong with it if every 5 mins your getting gunned downed like a COD Deathmatch. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/20112-the-only-realistic-way-to-prevent-deathmatching-make-dayz-a-living-hell/
  14. Floyd93

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    1. they haven't put a legit rules for the server hosting, the ones they posted are player put from "ARMA 2 Dayz Mod" 2. Wtf does renting a car have to do with a "Game Server" 3. Your shit outta luck with whole admin kick, move on with life this is just a game, there are plenty of other servers that are default running by the devs. Your going to die regardless in the game and loot isn't hard to come by, I've die countless times and still came back with decent gear. Just need to stop getting so butt hurt of stupid things..
  15. I like the idea they are going for, but just lowere the rate the m4's spawn maybe 1-2 m4's you can find and have empty-full mags at random. It gives the fresh spawn a fighting chance when they move up to the northern area where people are fully geared up and have legit weapons, cause i mean really going up against guys with a shotgun and they have a good ranged weapon wont do much. I think thats where they were trying to get at with the military base at balota. Yea there are alot of douchebags camping the base but hey in what game do douchebags not exsist, thats why there are PVE servers/lower count servers/and hosting your own server. Trying to lower down the PVP in a Mass PVP game, (even if you say its a zombie simulation/COD/Arma blah blah blah) at the end of the day it is a PVP base game otherwise they wouldnt of implamented able to kill other players, really sounds ridiculous majority of the people are going to ignore the moans and complain cause they like doing what they are doing which is killing people. Which again leads to the PVE servers if you can't handle being killed over and over.
  16. Floyd93

    DayZ Standalone Server Hosting

    People are paying 70$+ to rent a server... I feel they have the right to do what the hell they please to do on their server, unless you helped paid for that server you have no right to mope and complain how that server admin is running "HIS" server. If you dont like his server, its simple.. DON'T PLAY ON IT. As the cheating goes i agree with that kills the game but everything else nah.. I Disagree, People themselves can choose to play on the server or not