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About Raxe88

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I just fixed it! Thanks for the help! This is how to fix it if you are like me: Problems: I only had Arma2 and Arma 2 OA. The Arma2 OA didn't update to the update I was patching it to. When trying to join the versions mismatched. Solution: Open Steam, download the Arma 2 OA (and Arma 2 and Arma OA also), open DayzCommander -> Settings -> Check Replace original Arma2OA files with Beta so Steam works Thanks very much for the help Aitchy and mZLY!
  2. I am not at the computer right now so i'll try your solution later. I could find something out: with the beta patch the version of the game is the needed and with the normal/no beta is outdated. What can you tell from that? Thanks very much for the support mZLY!
  3. I am using the lastest DayZ version but nothing about ARMA 2 Beta. What is the beta about?
  4. Ok so I am using Dayz Commander and I "updated" the DayZ to 103419. I look for servers, join one and then It tells me that the versions mismatch! And OA tells me I am using Build 95208. I tried updating with a webpage to an older build than 103419 but I am always in 95208!! Can I have some help? Thanks for your time!