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About NinjaPancake6

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. NinjaPancake6

    Rush Destroyers

    I recently heard from one of my friends of a clan called Rush Destroyers. It sounded like a fun clan so any moderators a part of the clan I would love to join, so just PM me and I can send some info.
  2. NinjaPancake6

    Maybe the mountain dew curse is true

    this was actually kind of funny to me. I had just found a mountain dew outside cherno, found it on a dead guy. went into a nearby forest and stashed it in my tent. Next day, someone raided it and left nothing but that dew. i don't look at mountain dew anymore...
  3. NinjaPancake6

    Looking for people to play with!

    and maybe if you life in america. just so there isn't a big time difference
  4. NinjaPancake6

    Looking for people to play with!

  5. Hit me up on skype: NinjaPancake01 age: 11 - 14 (That's all)
  6. NinjaPancake6

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I've heard stories of "Guardian Angels" I never believed them, how could someone be so nice in a wretched place like DayZ? But I found mine The story goes a little something like this. "... and he usually carries a Winchester" My friend was telling me about a story he read about Guardian Angels in DayZ "You know that's BS right?" I said to him "Naw, it happens" He said back "Whatever, I'm gonna go. See you tomorrow" "Yeah, same" We both logged. I had nothing to do so I logged onto a different server to try and make it my own server. I spawned on the beach of Cherno. It was night. 'Perfect' I thought to myself. 'Snipers will have a little more trouble sniping if they don't have NVG' So I decided to run to the hospital of Cherno, just in case anything went down. I snuck my way over to the grocery store. It was a long ways away considering I was on the east side of Cherno. As I got there though, what I saw was astonishing. At least 20 dead zombies... I checked the list, nobody else was on but me. 1/35. I thought this was odd so I tried to find some items. Nothing was there, the place was cleaned out before I got there. Maybe someone got there and then logged just as they cleaned it out. No, I would have seen a message saying "*username* has left" or something like that. I decided to walk out the back door. I saw a fully loaded UAZ. Sweet! This is mine now. I found a nice place in the wilderness to park it, then logged off. I logged back in the next day and checked my map. I was right at the bottom of Green Mountain... My UAZ was gone. 'Well obviously, bandits probably camp for Bambi's looking for the myth' I thought 'Of course they would find it' So I decided to head up the mountain and find some supplies There were 5 bandits waiting for me. They all had either an AKM or an M4A3. They saw me and locked their sights. They started firing. I thought for sure I was dead. But they were shooting behind me. At a piss load of zombies coming up the hill. I made a mad dash and found my UAZ around the back. 'There you are my pretty!' I thought to myself. I drove as fast as I could down that hill. I crashed into a pole near Stary after a while. The car was on fire and my legs were broken. There was no way I was getting out of this. I crawled away about 3 meters and fell into unconsciousness. Then I saw him. A man with a Winchester strapped to his back. He dragged me away about 15 meters or so until I woke out of unconsciousness... But fell right back in. He went through my pack. "Hey what are you doing!" I wanted to shout in direct. I woke up and was about to train my sights right on his forehead... When I had realized he took out a morphine and blood bag from my pack. I didn't even know I had those. He transfused me and fixed my broken legs. I asked what his name was in direct and got no response. Just a salute and a vanish into the night. Then... What astonished me the most that night. In his tracks... He left me a ghille suit, sniper, and more essentials to lead me on my way. I thank any survivor who saves my life to this day. I make sure to leave my beans too. If I ever see that man again. I'll make sure to give him some of my items.
  7. Name - I want to say that over skype/other software for voice Age - 12 (But mature for my age) Experience - played alot a year ago, just got back into it a few weeks ago Message me if you have a clan that I can join. I am tired of playing solo, I want people I can play with. Not a too serious group or a too un-serious group. I want a happy medium.
  8. NinjaPancake6

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I have a story. *Ahem* I was coughing, I would need to find somewhere to get warm and cure my sickness. I was right on the west side of Elektro, I saw the fire station nearby, I decided it would be a good idea to hit there first, then the hospital. Just in case anyone was camping the hospital building. I slowly made my way to the fire station, there were dead zombies outside the closed doors. I tried to go through the back, the front was too obvious. I opened the door to see a "dead" survivor laying on the ground in front of me. Then he typed in direct "blood...bags..." luckily I had one on me for the poor soul, I picked him up and then heard a crack. My legs had snapped. I hadn't noticed the hatchet strapped to his back. (I was trying to go on a hero run, that's why I transfused him) He typed again in direct "think twice next time" and finished me off. It was midnight so I flinched when the bright red "YOU ARE DEAD" screen came up. Odd, it usually has a black background. It freaked me out so I tried to go to bed... I woke up an hour later to the whirring of my computer. It had DayZ open for me. Hmmm, I think I need to find this guy and give him a nice plate of revenge. I sat down in my chair and reloaded the server. I woke up in the same fire station I thought I had just died in. Strange... I thought nothing of it, just thinking of how I was gonna kill this guy for breaking my legs. My legs were still broken so I crawled up the steps and found a shotgun with one pile of rounds. I picked it up and crawled my way down. I made my way down the steps and again, I found that same looking man with the hatchet laying on the ground. I crawled over to him and decided to take some items out of his backpack. Turns out he had five blood bags on him. "Poor sod" I thought to myself. I crawled out of the fire station making my way to the hospital. Lucky for me, there was some morphine there. Unlucky for me however, the man had followed me. He hadn't been dead, and he wanted his items back. He had the hatchet in his hands and typed "What did I say about thinking twice? Didn't Listen" and hit me enough times so I was on the brink of death. He transfused me. Then hit me again. This went on for about three or so times until he took all of my items and ran. I crawled all the way down to Cherno, and got swarmed by zombies. A sniper was on a nearby hill and took most of them out. By the time he got to me... I was dead. They say he is still out there... If you see him lying in the Elektro fire station, think twice before giving him a transfusion.