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Everything posted by erv_za

  1. erv_za

    A few thoughts on.. (Difficulty, Modding, etc)

    Mr. Hicks Please know that any fears concerning modding dividing the userbase, can be stopped by giving careful considerations to the design of the server browser. Players should never see servers and mod types that they are not interested in playing. THE END. The only purpose of a server browser is to help the players join the server where he would have the most fun. Showering the user with choice, thinking that if all the options are presented to him, he will naturally choose the best one, IS A MISTAKE. If a good server is hidden between a hundred bad servers, the player will never find it. The server browser should require deliberate action before users can see any mods. Additionally, users should have to whitelist and be able to blacklist mods or server so that people can easily find the server that is best for them, without been distracted by millions of servers that they are not interested in. In the old days, mods would be launched by adding certain flags to the shortcut for the game executable. So you would have a shortcut on your desktop with an expectation that if you double clicked it, you would be playing the game that you expect and you would only see servers related to that expectation. The server browser should allow you to save its configuration to the desktop or menu where with one click it would only show you the game types that you expect without the user having to carefully consider what servers might be best for him. Think about this for a moment, if all the game's players had to waste a few minutes ever time they launched the game and you could make that time a little bit shorter, how many man-years would you be saving over the games lifetime. Edit: Would it be possible to create a Curated server list? Either by Bohemia, or a Steam user sharing a list on the steam workshop that their friends can subscribe to?
  2. erv_za

    Make towns unique with unique loot?

    I like the idea of having specialty stores and I have an idea how to implement it to encourage people to move across the map and prevent people camping certain locations. Once a week, after a reboot, all specialty stores are in different locations. Each store can be in any one of several possible locations, and the server would randomly decide where it would be. Certain specialty stores would be guaranteed to have certain items you might need, like the correct type of wheel or part for a specific car you want to repair. You might find the correct part somewhere else, but you are guaranteed to find it at that store, therefor you now have an incentive to try and find that store and travel across the map. Now this randomness by itself wouldn't be fun if it forced the player to have to explore the whole map, since that would hardly be practical. If they added a newspaper item and since the game already have billboards and maps, they can create adverts on those things that can give a player the clues they need in order to find the specialty stores. I'm hoping to create gameplay similar to a treasure hunt, where you have to use you intelligence to figure out where is the best place to go, and that it is not just a matter of searching in as many random locations as possible and waiting for the loot respawn system to eventually reward you. I want there to be more of an element of intelligence involved with looting, not just luck.
  3. erv_za

    Experience: The CCP Way

    I just want to point out that it has been proven that character development does decrease KOS, exactly because it makes death so much more serious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=oZZRT_v6X-0#t=2490
  4. Some monitors is much darker than others. Some people play in a brightly lit room. Some people need the those options, while others would abuse it. But there is ways to please everyone: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/139346-remove-gamma-and-brightness-settings/?p=1366832
  5. erv_za

    Hardcore lite mode

    With the 5 Jan Status report and the announcement of a "hardcore mode". A lot of people complained that it would be too harsh. As far as I can tell, the intent behind the feature would be to discourage the zerg rush tactic, where people can quickly attack an area of the map after getting killed, and since they didn't bother to gear-up, they don't loose much of value when they get killed again. Since people stop worrying whether their character lives or dies, it runs completely contrary to what a Survival game is. To make you afraid of dying is the foundation upon which dayz is build. The game should not punish those that decide to play it firstly as a survival game, while rewarding those that play it like it is a deathmatch game the most. So the intend of the hardcore feature is to punish players for not valuing their characters life and to encourage them to be more careful in the future. But eventually everyone will die and be forced to put up with the respawn restriction. TLDR: I suggest that the respawn restriction should subtract the length of time that your character was alive from the respawn timer. That way, players that did take care of their characters are not unnecessarily punished. For very long respawn timers, it might be best to use a multiple of your characters lifetime or something more complex like using the server average life expectancy as part of the formula to make it adaptable to the way people play the game on your server. Since the "hardcore mode" isn't released yet and we can't see the way it might be balanced, people tend to critique it based on their own assumed "worse case" implementation. That makes it hard to argue any specific point at this time. But disregarding that.. Do you think there is a balance to a respawn restriction feature, such that you would prefer to play on it, and what would it be? Edit: I'm still not use to these forums. If this thread is better suited in the [suggestions] section of this forum, could a moderator please move it over?
  6. You still would be able to join other servers.
  7. I agree that other options besides name markers should be explored to fight the sense of prosopagnosia, but in-case it was the only option, there is ways to prevent nametags from becoming a cheat. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/101579-perma-identity-nickname-is-permanent-nickname-as-face-cover-face-conceal-nickname/ There is better ways to make a game harder than just to make the interface confusing. If you already infested the effort to master the current interface, it would be understandable that you would not want that mechanic to change, but understand that it is just a case of "BitterVet" syndrome.
  8. I believe that those that enjoy Dayz "as is", are those that prefer the current mechanics or simply became use to them over time, but that the larger gaming public would not mind a more traditional HUD. The sense of prosopagnosia is something that I find incredibly immersion breaking as it dramatically reduce our ability to socialize or rollplay in game. Since the preferred style of HUD and other UI styles is a matter of personal preference, different between each gamer, I feel the only workable middle ground would be to allow players to customize their HUD and UI. Since previous Bohemia games already had this feature, I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually got it as well.
  9. Let us know when you get it running, I would like to help test. Since hackers can easily add name-tags to absolutely everything, it can't be to hard to mod, we just have to wait for BI to give their official blessing.
  10. Back in the day in counterstrike, we use to record a demo of a cheating player, mail it to the server admin and get the guy banned. The Killcam in COD also intrigued me, because a cheater usually tips his hand in the last few seconds when he gets a kill. Now if the server could record a killcam as a demo, save it somewhere so that the server admin can review suspicious player. As a player, I would also like to be able to see how my character met his end. It would be great to have a "Create demo" feature in dayz on the client side as well. Since you are only recording network data, it don't cause the performance problems streamers have to deal with. And once you are playing it back, you usually have more control over the perspective you are viewing, maybe even seeing someone else's viewpoint could be possible.
  11. Since the standalone will be on steam, the server would have access to players Steam ID's , which is permanent and links to your Steam profile. It should be possible to load a script on a server that remembers your nickname the first time you join and implement this feature that way. But that would mean the server is modded and the nickname only applies to that server. If Rocket doesn't implement this globally on the hive, I feel it is our duty to test this on a small scale. Meaning to write a script that can be installed on a single server.
  12. erv_za

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    Rocket have talked about it on Reddit. Ammo will be rare and if you die, you start out as a pale, unfit, computer nerd with as much skills to survive in a zombie apocalypse as one would expect. This is not to stop or punish KOS, but it means bandits will be really careful with how they conduct their business. This would make bandit encounters a lot more authentic for all involved.
  13. erv_za

    "the holy book" vs. urban legends

    I think they are going to let you use random large items as melee weapons in the Standalone. I know I will be quoting a few of David's poems from Psalms to my victims while I beat them.
  14. I find it weird that we don’t have easy to use headtorch’s in Dayz. Hopefully in the Standalone, there will be more and varied flashlights. I myself developed a bid of a flashlight obsession after a security guard at my work got shot one night. I could only see where a bullet ricocheted of his head and you could see the white of his skull. Still alive amazingly, I at first thought it was his brains I could see. I didn’t realise that he was also shot in his neck and chest, since he was wearing a black jacket. He died the next day unfortunately, what is weird is that he regained consciousness before the paramedics arrived. He couldn’t speak, but was strong enough to stand up and I had to constantly tell him to lie down and wait for the paramedics. Since then I hate not being able to see things clearly. I have a LED keychain that I always carry on me. It’s very bright with 96 hours battery life. I have a variable brightness headtorch in my backpack that usually travels with me. A cigarette lighter combined with a flashlight. A pen with flashlight and laser attached (I gave plenty of these away as gifts). Army knife with flashlight. Spare headtorch in my car. Torch with a magnetic base and a twisty neck. And I make my girlfriend carry one in her handbag together with the pepper spray. Now I might have slightly more than average, but in an apocalypse it should not be hard to find a decent headtorch and another flashlight that you could easily tape to your gun barrel. Maybe then combine it with red cellophane to make it work better with natural night vision.
  15. erv_za

    Why We Need A Release Date

    I said Moore's law, but what I meant was calling it a scientific discovery makes it sound like a law of nature. That might be why some people didn't take what you said seriously (I'm not one of them btw.) But on second thought, this would fall under the "social sciences". So you aren't wrong, I just think people struggle to catch your point because of word choice.
  16. erv_za

    Why We Need A Release Date

    I hate Parkinson’s Law. It's ruining my life, I was planning to finish my college assignment tonight > :( But to call it a scientific discovery is using the wrong words to describe it. That's like saying "Moore's Law" is a scientific discovery I would rather call it a law of project management. While it seems some people didn't at first understand what you were talking about, I am sure Rocket know all these things. He sometimes confuse people on Reddit because he use the terminology of a project manager. Also, this isn't the first big project Bohemia Interactive is working on. I haven't heard of them missing release dates like Valve. A alpha release is different, you can't expect to predict how long things would take when you are still in the beginning stages of a project.
  17. If it's their server, they would be able to run a memory editor like "Cheat Engine" to cheat on their own server even if scripts didn't work. But since the game use steam that has cheat detection tools, those servers would get blacklisted after a while. This would only be a deterrent until server owners can have their own private-hive. Oh, and Aimbot and Esp hacks would still work on all clients, though steam can detect some of those as well.
  18. erv_za

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Solution to our "release date" OCD http://www.reddit.co..._stream/caikwji Rocket said it would take less then 2 months. So lets all consider the release date to be the 14 August Make peace with it, and if it comes out sooner, consider that the date was moved up and that we scored to get it early, rather then counting each day from now as a loss. That's it everyone. Call the media. Let everyone know 14 August is the official date.
  19. After following Rockets Everest summit, seeing all the preparation, all the kit they need to wear, reading of them passing a dying climber on their path. I kept wondering what environmental hazards could be created in the game to reproduce such a situation. So I created this topic to so that we can list and discuss the different environmental hazard suggestions (many of which had been talked about before) , so that Rocket can easily consider them while his Everest experience is still fresh in his mind. Weather related challenges - Hypothermia, Heatstroke Some Ideas, like extreme cold would only work on different maps e.g. Namalsk , but maybe someone can justify usual extreme weather patterns. Unnatural Environmental Hazard or Contaminated zones These could be Toxic, Radioactive or areas where you would quickly get sick and need a lot of antibiotics over time to get well again. The existence of these areas would need to be justified, or maybe their existence can be used to drive the mystery of what happened before the outbreak and how the disaster came about. Some of the Topics that discuss this: Airborne virus. V4 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/25101-airborne-virus-v4/ [standalone] Storms and Environmental Hazards http://dayzmod.com/f...__environmental Dynamic Weather http://dayzmod.com/f...ynamic-weather/ More dangerous environment http://dayzmod.com/f...us-environment/ Toxic/Radioacive waste from reactors leaking because of no maintenance http://dayzmod.com/f...no-maintenance/ Hazmat Suits http://dayzmod.com/f...7-hazmat-suits/