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About kaeus3@gmail.com

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Just a note, a lot of times the RPT doesn't reflect a player (IE Update them to the hive) when they are in a vehicle. It is possible that this person was traveling around in a vehicle, and you only see the hive updates of where they exit that vehicle. Now if this player was only on for a small period of time, then it would be likely that they were teleporting.
  2. kaeus3@gmail.com

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    No clue why people would complain about having to buy the standalone. DayZ (if you bought Arma 2 just for that) will still be developed, and you'll still get more hours of playtime out of the game than you would for a $50-$60 game. When the standalone is priced (with a fairly low cost), it will still be one hell of a deal considering how much time you'll get out of it. Sandbox games have tremendous value!
  3. kaeus3@gmail.com

    DayZ Server Suite Alpha 1.0.3

    Plus, the restart of the mission tends to kill vehicles/tents if you don't do it twice. Not sure why.
  4. kaeus3@gmail.com

    To hell with primary weapons says the medic

    I'm already my groups loot whore, and I'd most certainly be forced to run around with a duffle bag at all times. It would be quite nifty to be able to run into somewhere and loot with my overwatch being responsible for defending me.
  5. kaeus3@gmail.com


    I've seen (at least locally to me) footprints of people/myself that are running with me, as well as tracks from vehicles. I'm thinking this would be something easier done in a standalone as the way for it to be expanded upon.
  6. I had vehicles and tents save position and gear fine (I compulsively save them every time I finish modifying the inventory), but I didn't really pay enough attention to my ATV (before I blew it up after a reset) to notice if any gear respawned in it.
  7. kaeus3@gmail.com

    Banned from US 785 for hacking while trying to kill Hackers....

    I'll continue this in PMs with your group if you'd like.
  8. kaeus3@gmail.com

    US 785

    Oh, was it 785 or 787...
  9. kaeus3@gmail.com

    Factional area's, just an idea.

    I really hope this is the direction Rocket is wanting to take the experience of this mod (or in the standalone). Having points to fight over and hold/control gives another possible means of player interaction and cooperation. It would be nice ideally to even be able to build your own structures/towns that players could work together to build.
  10. kaeus3@gmail.com

    DayZ Server Suite Alpha 1.0.3

    I'm a bit concerned with the ambiguous upcoming change "* [FIXED] Excessive logging of player data in server logs (Disabled https://dev-heaven.net/issues/38784 )". I am not sure what aspects they consider excessive, but I'm using pretty much every part of those logs to assist me in catching hackers using my own (yet similar) parser.
  11. kaeus3@gmail.com

    DayZ New Helicopter Spawn Points. Write yours here!

    I had my graphics crash and basically mess up my ability to see ingame. I thankfully was able to turn on auto hover and have my friend guide me back to the ground. I've always been curious to know how choppers will handle random disconnects of the pilot as well as servers resetting while you are in the air.
  12. Yep, found it on the island, and took about 30 minutes of driving that stupid ass 14 speed boat down from north of Berezino just so we could ferry parts over. Totally worth it! Anyone know how to reload the guns in the chopper? I have M240 rounds (been keeping stock when I find these) but no clue how to reload it into the guns.
  13. kaeus3@gmail.com

    I recently bought a server from HFB.

    BTW, the version you see in the browser is the ARMA2 version, not DayZ. The ARMA2 version should be 1.62
  14. kaeus3@gmail.com

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    You know, you can make a point in a normal font and it will still be read? You also have the option to post on the multiple threads on this issue that points out that it's not exclusive to Berezino.
  15. kaeus3@gmail.com

    ppl who don't duplicate itens

    Seriously...how hard is it to find food/water? I throw away/binge so much of that.