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About GaiusFreeman

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. GaiusFreeman

    No-KoS Servers?

    There are many that catch my eye, but so far the ones I have looked into have not been terribly active. That is why I am hoping someone who plays on such a server might catch this thread. Thanks, Beck. I'm honestly not sure if an RP server is the right fit for me right now, as I regularly play with friends do are not interested in RP. I may just try that out for when I'm playing "alone" though.
  2. GaiusFreeman

    No-KoS Servers?

    Hey all, I'm interested in finding an active community with some rules of engagement for PvP that include such things as no killing on sight. I'm not looking for a coop, play nice environment, I'm just tired of the environment where no one bothers to interact with one another. Can you tell I'm not terribly competitive. Anyway, any suggestions would be appreciated.