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Everything posted by ComradeChairmanKGB

  1. ComradeChairmanKGB


    Hi Im new and looking for a bambi (noob) freindly server with no deathmatch kos crap and some freindly people to play with !
  2. ComradeChairmanKGB

    Ceasefire Dayz Four Different Servers (PvP - Non PvP)

    ill check it out !
  3. ComradeChairmanKGB

    Come Play with us

    i will defenitly check this out, is it a NA based server ? are those ai aditions for the chernarus based one cause thats all i play
  4. ComradeChairmanKGB

    What do you want to see as a Survivor

    I agree that killing is essential but KoS is illogical and useless, such as sniping fresh spawns for no reason ? or wasting 60 ar shots on a hatchet bambi ? foolish
  5. ComradeChairmanKGB

    Come Play with us

    more information please, ex. what custom settings ? vanilla server ?
  6. ComradeChairmanKGB

    What do you want to see as a Survivor

    A server built around fair play and realistic social interaction such as no KoS, small groups that fullfill functions to create a new society with rocky relations. vannila dayz where people fill roles bassicly !! fun RP opportunity.
  7. ComradeChairmanKGB

    Looking for others to play with.

    Hi names Comrade. ComradeChairman. Ill buddy with you ! message me on steam at ComradeChairmanKGB. im a 17 year old canadian, and i have skype,vent and raidcall for voice chat
  8. ComradeChairmanKGB

    n00b! Looking for some people to play with..

    Hello secret shake, im from canada but im more then willing to play with you provided that location doesnt matter, message my steam if you want to buddy up, ComradeChairmanKGB. For comunication i have skype,ventrillo,and raidcall.