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Everything posted by noojo

  1. As said in the title my dayz makes my computer freeze up totaly when i try to join a server. and its is getting worse. ussually it crashed my comp 2 out of 5 times when loading in a sever, now its seems to crash all the time. i tried reinstalling the whole game, but it still crashes. btw i dont have this problem with any other game, or when i play arma 2 singleplayer. it works just fine then. any of u guys have any idea what this is all about? plzz help out a poor bambi with comp problems!
  2. yes i found a fix for this!!!! all you need to do is buy a new computer, do a fresh windows install and dayz install...and it will work!! well for the people hAVING THE SAME THING I HAD...FOR ME IT WAS A HARDWARE PROBLEM MOST LIKELY. dont know why that last bit is caps but i cant be bothered to type it over. byebye
  3. Thx for your reply m8. But i am afraid i already tried all those options I just bought a new morherboard and cpu with new ddr 3 ram, incidentally i had to reinstall windows because of the hardware change so....... If it wont work after everything is installed im gonna be a sad bambi Tbh if i had to guess id say its a hardware problem since i can hardly find anything about this on the internet and the stuff i did find had to do with overheating of the cpu Let u know how it goes
  4. noojo

    Can't see others direct chat text.

    i have exactly the same..is there no fix for this?
  5. noojo

    Direct Chat

    i have the same thing..is there no fix for it?
  6. noojo

    Direct Chat Not Working

    i have exactly the same problem and its beginning te get real anoying