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Everything posted by eddie820

  1. Ok, so most servers I go into have no global or side chat, just vehicle, direct and that green one whose name I can't remember, yet some people start talking using side chat, how is that possible, do they have an older version or something, if so they wouldn't be able to play in 1.7 servers due to that flashing message that appears right? Anyone know what's the deal with this?
  2. I'm interested to know how many of you have played ARMA before DayZ existed. There seems to still be a huge amount of people that apparently jump in and don't bother to learn any of the controls and keep asking by chat what they would easily learn doing the training and playing singleplayer. I personally never asked anyone when I was starting out in ARMA, I did all the training and I've spent hours upon hours alone in the armory learning to fly helos and jets. What i'm trying to get at is, while most ARMA regulars will gladly make an effort to explain stuff to new players as I still do to this day, it seems very few are even making the effort to find out for themselves.
  3. eddie820

    DayZ in Takistan

    Takistan is a little too empty for me, mostly formless, coverless landscape, aside from buildings that you can enter it doesn't have much going for it.
  4. eddie820

    The ultimate Survivor/Bandit

    5 days for me, died hopping a fence and broke my legs, zombies swarmed me. Also, what?
  5. eddie820

    German Shepard

    I have a German Shephard IRL, I named her Shapoopie, her nickname of course, is poops.
  6. ARMA is good training for learning to shoot, if you go in cold never having played it, most people don't compensate for bullet drop and stuff like that. I still play regular arma as much as I can, not sure if I'll get the new dlc coming this year but we'll see.
  7. eddie820

    Camo safe yet?

    Happened to me after I died and I was wearing a ghillie suit, right now I have the other camo and well, I haven't died so I don't know if it'll happen with this one too.
  8. eddie820

    Which pistol do you prefer?

    I have a 1911 and a glock, but I primarily use the colt, if I need more lead downrange I use the AK.
  9. eddie820

    More Clothing and a way to differentiate Bandits

    There are other games where you can play as one team or the other, play those if you wanna instantly know who the enemy is, shit, the new CoD even has a bunch of maps where it's blacks vs whites. Stop complaining, it makes the game more interesting not knowing who is gonna blow you away or be your friend.
  10. eddie820

    Surviving with Idiots

    I'm trying to convince 2 friends to buy ARMA, i'm afraid the same is gonna happen to me, they are borderline retarded.
  11. eddie820

    Oh look.. a rainbow!

    I bet there's a bike with baseball cards in the spokes at the end of that rainbow.
  12. DayZ, the Carmaggedon simulator lol.
  13. Freshly spawned people wont pass the opportunity to kill someone that's geared up if they can, happened to me the other day, dude acted friendly and killed me for my ak and alice pack. Knowing this, geared up players aren't gonna let someone they don't know get near them.
  14. eddie820

    Looks like I found a hacker! (Editing)

    No don't take the video down, let everyone see it so he can keep getting reported.
  15. eddie820

    Can i Run Day Z ?

    Go to can you run it and see if it runs OA. But from looking at your specs, that sounds more or less like my old system and I had no problems running ARMA on that.