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Everything posted by eddie820

  1. eddie820

    M1911 or Revolver?

    1911 for me, I pass G17's like the plague, I know they hold more rounds in a mag but you just can't beat that one shot kill colty goodness.
  2. eddie820

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    If they play anything like they play minecraft they will spend more time dead than alive.
  3. Kiss my ass. I've worked hard to get my gear, how about he resets your gear.
  4. Ok, so i've been alive awhile now, enough that I haven't had to make a new character since the updates with the melee weapons. In that update I had enough food that I didn't need to replace the axe that was lost in the update. Today I found an axe and went to chop wood and it kept telling me that I needed to be in a forest or near a tree to chop wood which I was. My question is, do I need to equip the axe in primary slot to THEN chop wood? That's a bit inconvenient seeing as how my backpack is full with another rifle and other stuff. I searched and didn't find a topic that could help me so i'd appreciate it.
  5. eddie820

    New axe how to chop wood

    Damn, used to be that you could do it on any tree before the update.
  6. eddie820

    DayZee or DayZed?

    I say DayZee because my best friend's ex's name is Daisy and his current gf doesn't like her so I like to mess with her head.
  7. This looks like a mod, ask the owner of those pics what he used.
  8. eddie820

    Best gun?

    Silenced M4, make people panic when their friends go down.
  9. eddie820

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I can now be the One Freeman? mother of god...
  10. eddie820

    Heli crash sites?

    The only time I've found helos was when they were bugged and had no loot, so my question is, does the loot spawn in the chopper or around it?
  11. eddie820


    I wish I had a cent for every pro-con 1.7.1 thread popping up. Pretty soon I could encase all the people I can't stand in solid gold for my amusement.
  12. eddie820

    What is going on?

    You need to update to 1.7.1.
  13. The only time I wasn't killed by players was the first ever day I played it, I guess most people were still getting used to the game, we got a party of 5 going then my internet dropped, never again have I met someone that hasn't killed me or shot at me.
  14. eddie820

    Update to Beta or not?

    It's not about doing it or not, pretty soon it'll be mandatory if you want to play, so get it now and get used to it.
  15. eddie820

    Tents are NOT crashed helicopters

    The other day I found a tent and the dude had STANAG mags which I needed badly, in return I left him a blood bag, a 1911 mag and a camo skin, i'd say he didn't come out losing in that deal.
  16. This is why survivor average life is going up, I myself have only gone in to feed my character since this "cheat wave"(see what I did there?) started.
  17. eddie820

    ALT-F4 or just plain DC'ing....cheating?

    Last time I was heavily geared up I lost everything because I tried hopping over a sandbag wall and broke my legs, of course the zeds heard me and ate me alive.
  18. eddie820

    ALT-F4 or just plain DC'ing....cheating?

    Right now I have a AK kobra, a silenced m4 and a Coyote pack, it's gonna suck hard when I get hit, but the fresh spawn also has it's excitement lol, you'll explore places you normally wouldn't when on a fresh spawn...not that i'm looking forward to it yet!
  19. eddie820

    ALT-F4 or just plain DC'ing....cheating?

    It is a exploit that is being fixed soon. Cheating, maybe not so much, but it is in very poor taste, avoid it if possible and enjoy the thrill of the gunfight, win or lose.
  20. My account got deleted on the server rollback, could be that that happened to you. It could also be that you suggested or posted something that has been done ad nauseum. My point is, figure out first what happened before you go off the deep end feeling entitled and whatnot. You are not paying to keep the forums running so get over yourself.
  21. eddie820

    Rocket you are killing this mod

    People that were never going to buy ARMA 3 are pretending that it's because of this. Boo Hoo.
  22. eddie820

    Revamp of the murder/death system

    Most people close in for the kill once the body drops anyways, if you already made the choice to shoot someone you aren't gonna be worried about winging him.
  23. Well then, i'm gonna make a drinking game where everytime someone complains about getting killed I take a shot. I'll die from cirrhosis of the liver in about half an hour.
  24. eddie820

    What's the point in trying?

    Yesterday I had 3 dudes in my sights at gunpoint with a silenced M4, they never saw me, they were running around trying to be tacticool and didn't spot me less than 100 meters away from them pointing my gun at them. If they were paying attention they would have seen me. I didn't shoot at them and let them keep on going, they probably died soon enough and most likely made a forum post about how they got one shot killed and didn't have time to do anything about it. To summarize the point i'm trying to make, WHAAAA WHAAAAA!!!! Mommy the people on the internet killed me and that's not fair WHAAA!!!!