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Everything posted by MusterBuster

  1. MusterBuster

    Dealing with Zombronies

    Hey folks, What are your top tips for dealing with the Zeds? A few that I've picked up: Zeds use sight and hearing to detect you. Stay out of their line of sight and, when in close proximity, make as little noise as possible.When there are Zeds around, NEVER enter a building with only one entrance/exit.Zombies can now run indoors and are more than happy to climb a ladder. BE AFRAID. One or two zombies can be handled via the medium of an Axe, but you're better off running from a group.Zombies will lose track of you if you run around 100M away from themZombies sometimes struggle going up and down hills. If you're getting chased, elevate!Ignore the crosshair for melee weapons and look at where the weapon actually swings in order to line up your melee attack. Zeds can occasionally walk through walls, in particular supermarket walls. Be on your guard when looting and remember, your life comes before those beans on the ground!If you see a Zed running, and he's not running towards you, watch out; there's a player about. Any more? MB
  2. MusterBuster

    Dealing with Zombronies

  3. MusterBuster

    Dealing with Zombronies

    I hug a Zed every day as part of my ongoing mission to garner relations between our species. Sometimes it works, other times they become violent. But I'm doing my bit. ARE YOU?
  4. MusterBuster

    I Cannot Die!!!

    Hey bro! Right, a few things to try: 1. Open the inventory and identify what's wrong. Are you sick? Hungry? Thirsty? Low on blood? All of the above? 2. If you're sick, you need antibiotics or charcoal tablets, depending on the illness. You need to take these regularly with water, a single dose wont cure you (unless you've got "man flu"). Thirst and hunger are obvious, but remember that you need to eat/drink up to 15 times to fill your stomach, and that you spawn dying of thirst. For low blood, you'll need either blood of your own type or saline, and an IV starter kit. 3. If you really want to commit hari-kiri, there's a few ways to do so: - Find a zombie to befriend - Take some blood that isn't yours - Drink something that's not edible (disinfectent is a good choice) - Use a syringe to drain your own blood - Fall from a great height - Eat rotten food (eat lots of it!) - Swim out to sea and get hypothermia (actually not sure if cold is in yet) :) MB
  5. MusterBuster

    What about eh cease fire of 24-25 december?

    A ceasefire means nothing to a man with too much to lose!
  6. MusterBuster

    DayZ: Born Survivor

    Hi, I'm MB. I'm facing a tonne of zombies, in one of the world's most hostile environments. But, by applying a few basic survival techniques, I'm going to show you how to stay alive. 1. Make a Plan. The first thing you'll need to do once you reach shore is get your bearings. Look for high ground, roads and signs of (ex-)civilisation to give you an idea of where you are on the map. The first things you'll need are water, food and something to defend yourself with. Look for nearby buildings to seek out these items as the first step in your plan. Next, you'll need to keep moving - picking up more vital water, food and medical supplies as you do. Staying in the same area for too long is dangerous. Not only is there a risk of being spotted by newly spawning players, the loot that is available on the map does not respawn until the server restarts. You'll need to keep moving to stay alive. 2. Look after yourself. Flesh-eating zombies aside, you'll need to make sure you stay at the height of fitness to be able to navigate, scavenge and protect yourself from threats. Eat little and often, and drink plenty of fluids - especially before a long journey. Break your plan down into small steps, and achieve them one by one. If your body tells you it's worn out, make sure you stop to take a break. Sit down (F3) in a secluded area to get your breath back, and make a fire if you can. Rest indoors to keep warm, but always make sure to choose a building outside of heavy looting areas like large towns - and always ensure you have more than one escape route. Once you're feeling better, stick to your plan and start the next phase of your journey. 3. Make life easier for yourself Always be on the look out for opportunities to make surviving easier. Keep an eye out for anything you might use - tin can openers, t-shirts that you can tear into bandages and guns are all out there to be looted. Always go for the vital items you need to survive first, but once you're stocked up, find anything that can help you survive longer. 4. Always respect your environment Be on your guard at all times. There aren't many zombies, but don't rest easy - keep a weapon out when you can and always know where your escape routes are. If you do get spotted by a zombie, the best thing to do is run. Aim for high ground, trees and buildings in urban environments to break the line of sight between you and your new best friend. Shooting your gun is like ringing the dinner bell, use it as a last resort only. 5. Give beans Everyone is trying to stay alive, and everyone has something to lose. If you encounter another survivor, it's possible that you could get more out of a co-operative relationship than a competitive one. The choice is always yours, but information is as valuable as beans in this game. Talking to a survivor to find out where they've already looted so you don't waste your time, or perhaps even making a trade, might be more worthwhile than shooting on sight and risking an injury. Good luck out there. MB
  7. MusterBuster

    DayZ: Born Survivor

    Another tip, learned the hard way. Do not take what you do not need. It will only result in you piddling around with your inventory in a dangerous place later.
  8. Beans for the story! And welcome to DayZ, all you need to do now is find some Mountain Dew and you've passed your probation.
  9. MusterBuster

    Green mountain

    I'm going to make an excursion there tonight. Got a gasmask and an axe. Will post later with results. MB
  10. MusterBuster

    Duct Tape

    Hey folks, I have Duct Tape. I'm a lucky guy. I can think of many uses for duct tape. Strapping magazines together, shutting prisoners up, attaching a knife to a baseball bat... you get the picture. What can I currently do in-game with my Duct Tape, and how would I go about doing it? MB
  11. MusterBuster

    Drink disinfectant....why?

    I'm in a shed. I've closed the door. Zeds surround me. I don't want to be eaten! My leg is broken, the pain is unbearable. My vision is blurred, I'm out of water - and I don't have anything to open these beans with. It's only a matter of time before the zeds get in, and I do not want to die from tearing teeth and gnarling fingers. All I have is a brick, and this disinfectant. What would you choose? MB
  12. CPU: i7-3630QM @2.40GHz GPU: GeForce GTX 660M Memory/RAM: 6GB Ram (2GB GDDR 5 graphics dedicated) HDD/SSD(only post the drive DayZ is running on): SSD Operating System: Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit Monitor Resolution: 1600 x 900 (unless connected to tv at 1920 x 1080 - subtract 7FPS) Graphics Settings: High or Very High - bloom, rotation blur, head bob turned off. Shadows normal. FPS in cities: 35-40 FPS in wilderness:45-50 (Average FPS:42) DayZ Build (DayZ Standalone only): latest
  13. MusterBuster

    What Have YOU Found

    Camo pants, vest, top and boots (extra gear slots!) 35 slot backpack M41A Gasmask Vitamins Antiobiotics Small Protective Case (takes up 4 slots in bp, contains 6 slots) Blood Test Kit (I'm O+!) IV Starter Kit Saline IV Syringe Paper Pen Bless him, he's doing alright for himself is Borris. MB
  14. MusterBuster

    113822 wipes your character....

    Just to say, my character was fine after the update - if a little thirsty. As others said, bugs like this are part and parcel of an alpha stage game. MB
  15. MusterBuster

    Duct Tape

  16. MusterBuster

    Interaction problems, not a bug.

    The "Fire" assignment seems bugged at the moment, you can't assign it to anything else. I've tried putting it on a controller to no avail.
  17. MusterBuster

    New Rail Road?

    This completely threw me the other day, and I actually got lost because I was relying on an old map in my head. I literally walked out to the NW edge of the map when I was trying to reach the NW airfield. In short, forget what you already know!
  18. MusterBuster

    DayZ: Born Survivor

    Honestly? Moral support. It's just nice to have a fire, it'll warm you up a bit too. Just don't light a fire on top of a hill at night time unless you're signalling to Gondor. MB
  19. MusterBuster

    Here we go again ..armed players kill newspawns..

    Newly spawned players don't have anything to lose. That's why they're such a threat. NEVER TRUST THEM. I jest, but honestly - it's everyone's individual choice as to how they play this game. The only thing you can control in DayZ is you, don't forget that!
  20. MusterBuster

    Beginners Guide.

    Hi folks! If I tear my shirt into rags, does it destroy the shirt? And does not wearing a shirt have any consequences for my health? I hope the answer is "yes" to both :D MB
  21. MusterBuster


    Hey guys, odd one this - I'm trying to use a dualshock 4. It's working fine, but for one vital exception: I can't get the "fire" assignment to work. I bind "Fire" to any button on the pad, and he wont shoot or swing his trusty fire extinguisher. Yet if I click the left mouse button, he swings away like the madman he's supposed to be. Any thoughts?