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Everything posted by Ventana

  1. Added hourly weapon/ammo event drops
  2. Updated to Epoch 1 day left for custom loadout.
  3. ADDED: Zoo York City - A Bandit controlled city with high level loot crates and drops. thanks to FNG for this addition.
  4. A lot of people having trouble logging in who own ArmaII Free. go here for help http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_481078&feature=iv&src_vid=yzvTTwXbiPw&v=RzSJk15Gn-k
  5. I originally posted this on another forum, maybe it was in the wrong place. I updated to Epoch all went well and I added my basic scripts and things. Again, all went well. I was getting some errors with lifting some things but found and answer to that problem. I am still currently getting "Resource R3F_log_DLG_contenu_vehicule not found" error, but i can live with that for now and not my current focus. After the update I came across a UH1Y. It was not in the "able to lift" category so I added it to the R3F file. My question is, were there any NEW vehicles added to and Is there a list somewhere? I know the mechanics of adding and subtracting items, I just need to know where I can get the needed data or how to get it. Any help would be appreciated. Also, the R3F file I'm using is from someone else. He did a great job getting all vehicles into 1 list instead of using the arma 2 and arma files. He has some listed as "Ural_base" and such instead of listing each individual URAL. How do you know what "base" a vehicle is or can any class be a base?
  6. thanks for the responses, guys.
  7. Custom load-out extended until Halloween.
  8. Morning bump... nice turn-out yesterday. Hope to be better today.
  9. Change of plans... Server is now OPEN.
  10. BareLabelGaming and ZooYorkGaming have joined together to bring a fresh, new and exciting playing enviroment to the Dayz Origins community. Both Clans have recently gone through some political fallout and have lost some membership. While initialy unpleasant, it has proven to be the best for all parties concerned. All play types are welcome and desired. We strive to maintain a challanging, high level of play. For that reason we keep the server on a 4 hour Day/night reset and we do not try to "beat" the update by running a Daytime Only server. Sector B, NVG, DMRs and other high demand items are harder to get. Players will benifit by teaming up and working together. Both clans have open teamSpeak server for public use. Address will be posted ingame for all who ask. Admins and members of both groups are friendly and available if you need assistance. Come join us and experience the game the way it's supposed to be played. IP: PORT: 2302
  11. Brand new Origins server. Get in early. Friendly, unabusive admins and hacker free. Bandits and Hero's welcome. Origins Server - ZooYorkGaming TS3 Server - Jump on teamspeak and say Hello.