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About William_Munny

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. You forget to mention that on the map are certain bases and if you get too close you get teleported 8k away.... Donate to hoard :)
  2. William_Munny

    epoch squad killers

    Long time mate. Where do you fellas play now?
  3. William_Munny

    END GAME - Roleplay

    No problem mate. Followed your whole TRP series. Lost many a pair of underwear through wetting myself with laughter. Just a shame it had to end. What's the tune you use in EndGame?
  4. William_Munny

    [BP] Beck's Privateers - 100% Vanilla!

    Fantastic Server. Finally found a Vanilla server with decent population.
  5. William_Munny

    END GAME - Roleplay

    Fucking Awesome!!
  6. Very good server. Been playing here just over a week. Close to vanilla, but a few added perks like auto refuel. Highly Recommend.
  7. William_Munny

    looking for a good server to play

    I'm also looking for a server like the one you posted in your opening post. If you find such a place, please post it as i'm sick of searching through the private hive section just to find every server has +500 Vehicles, Choppers and bloody AI. Like you i'm looking for a European server.
  8. William_Munny

    irongiantism.com - 100% Pure Vanilla UK DayZ

    Been searching for a server like this. Played a few times. Will deffo be back once I get some time.
  9. William_Munny

    Where did all the normal servers go?

    I've also been looking for a popular close to Vanilla server and came across "IronGiant" the other evening. Since played it a few times and have enjoyed. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/120090-irongiantismcom-100-pure-vanilla-uk-dayz/
  10. 17/03/2013 - SUNDAY COME ONE, COME ALL. THIS SUNDAY THE FOGEYZ SERVER ARE PROUD TO PRESENT [F*** THE FOGEYZ] A Full Day of Fun Hunting Down The Fogeyz, Taking Their Beans & Using Said Bean Cans To Kill them...again & again... Loot Will Be Plentiful & Favourites Such As: [Hunt The SUV] [Hunt The Chopper] [Capture The Zimmer Frame] Will All Be Played No Prisoners Will Be Taken