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Everything posted by pyr0h

  1. Is the following bug already aknowledged by the devs ? - When you drive a vehicle in a town with buildings in which equipment should spawn, then there is no spawn of equipment happening. I tested this with many towns right after server reset - all buildings were empty. However, when u drive out of town and walk back in, then the equipment will spawn normally.
  2. OK Guys here's how i did this : - Go to \<your arma game dir>\Expansion\ -> delete the beta folder there - Download new Beta Zip-file from here : http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ - Save ARMA2_OA_Build_95054.zip somewhere, extract it and run ARMA2_OA_Build_95054.exe - The Beta patch should be installed properly then. Now for Battleeye : - Go to \<your arma game dir>\Battleye -> delete beclient.dll and beserver.dll - Go to \<your arma game dir>\Expansion\Battleeye -> delete beclient.dll and beserver.dll - Download the new .dll from here : http://www.battleye....61/BEClient.dll http://www.battleye....61/BEServer.dll - Save or Copy them into both directories -> \<your arma game dir>\battleeye \<your arma game dir>\expansion\battleye Remember -> U NEED TO DO THIS TWICE !! The files must go in both directories !! Finally go to C:\Users\<your current username>\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\BattlEye -> delete beclient.dll Start with your Arma OA Beta shortcut and everything should work fine.
  3. For all with the wait for host and battleeye problem with the recent beta patch try this it solved my problem:
  4. pyr0h

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Rocket, is the LR85 gone ? Or just an update issue ?
  5. pyr0h

    How many kills do YOU have?

    154 murders.. target 155 was at least better than me and killed me ... well theres always someone who is better than u :D
  6. pyr0h


    found it thanks
  7. pyr0h

    Content request: Evil Wizard skin

    I want porno magazines. Oh and movies. And a broken TV we can fix to watch these movies. Damn now i know for what these generators will be useful for xD
  8. pyr0h

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Bug : When u pick up a gun that is too big for the space left in your backpack the gun disappears. Same if u want to move your gun from your hands into the backpack and there is no room for it -> gun disappears :(
  9. pyr0h

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    2nd that....:huh: 2nd that too... the frequent broken bones + lack of morphine make the melee weapons obsolete in my opinion. I am better off with running away then using my axe at the moment because of this. Theres simply no reason to use the melee weapon when ur bones get broken almost every time and end up beeing an easy victim for everyone around :(
  10. pyr0h

    a few bugs

    + please change the space the flashlight takes in the backpack, its way too big at the moment. One or two slots should be enough
  11. pyr0h

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Rocket you need to change the space a flashlight takes in the backpack. Its wayyyy to big at the moment. One or max 2 space should be enough.
  12. I stopped playing. Will wait until at least the FPS drop is fixed. It's almost unplayable for me now :(
  13. I searched the forum already but couldnt get an answer for this, so i am opening a new thread : How do i turn on the flashlight that is attached to my shotgun and the flashlight that is attached to my g17 ? Thanks