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Everything posted by hennu

  1. Server name: Official DayZ Origins #GX Gear Factory - [EN] - [ACTIVE ADMINS][6h Restart] (1.7.1/103419) [4h Day/Night]Hosted @ GTXGaming.co.uk Server IP: Mumble IP: Our website(to contact admins and talk with the community): http://gearfactory.fi/forum Who are we looking for? * Our server is open for everyone, doesn't matter if you are new or old to the game! * We are especially hoping for few other 'clans' or groups to make our server their home, so we can have bigger events going on! Our server: * Totally new server! The server has been up for less than four days when I'm posting this! * Hosted by GTX. * Private hive. * Located in Paris, France. * Currently has 50 open slots. * Is running on SSD for faster load times and better quality. * We have plans to host some community events when our server gets populated. * Loads of vehicles! * 4h Day/Night. * Auto restart every 6 hours. * 3rd person available. * Crosshair off. * Nameplates off. Our crew: * We currently have four active, friendly and fair admins. * Our admins can be reached easily at our Mumble or our forums. * We encourage people to pvp and stealing from other survivors is just part of the game. Our rules: * We hope that anyone that speaks in the side chat, would use either English or Finnish to communicate. However this rule is not so strick that we would enforce it. * We hope that people can keep themselves from starting massive flaming wars. Kicks and short time bans will be given for such behaviour. * Obviously we don't tolerate any kind of cheating or hacking, but I guess this goes without saying.. * We have a public mumble avalaible for everyone that plays on our server! ------------------------------------------------ There seems to be some proplems with few people to connect with DayZ Commander to our server so i will try to explain here how to fix these proplems. First proplem: Incase you get connected to wrong server with our IP: - Leave the lobby of the server you connected to - Open ARMA II Server browser - Click Remote and use our IP & port - You should now see our server on the list and you should be able to connect! Why is this happening? For some odd reason GTX is renting the same ip adress to 2 servers which we cant fix. Second proplem: Are you getting an error about dayz_communityassets or something like that? Here is what you need to do: 1. Go to your Steam folder and from there navigate yourself to steamapps/common/arma 2 operation arrowhead. 2. Delete @DayZ folder 3. Now open DayZ Commander and redownload DayZ mod and if needed, Origins Mod aswell. If you have some other proplems, dont hesitate to ask / message me.
  2. Hello fellow survivors! We are hosting a small event to build a bigger player base and community to our server. If this event is a success, we will be hosting more events with random prices for active members of our server & community later on! The reward is 35€! Time and place: - The event will occur on Saturday, June 8th. - Event will start at 19:00 / 7:00 PM GMT - The event will happen on our own server, information can be found below. Server name: Official DayZ Origins #GX Gear Factory - [EN/FI/International] - [ACTIVE ADMINS][6h Restart] (1.7.1/103419) [4h Day/Night]Hosted @ GTXGaming.co.uk Server ip: Note: GX has some issues with several servers having the same IP/Port, so be sure to join the correct server! How to join? - The event is open for everyone! Only exceptions are of course our admins, the GF clan and our friends & family members. - In order to receive your price, you need to have a working paypal account. - Kind of obvious, but you need to have the latest patch of ARMA II and Origins mod. What do I do to win? - The winner is the person who kills the target first - One of our admins will hide on one of the main islands. - More information about the spot will be posted before the event starts. - For every 15 minutes of not getting killed, we will reveal more information about the spot. - The place will be accessible by walking! - The admin is carrying items to survive the wildnerness until he is found. He won't fight back! Rules of the event: - No cheating of any kind! - We require atleast 15 people to participate for this event to happen! - To be eligible for price, you need to have [EVENT] tag infront of your name during the event! - You are allowed to move by any means necessary! You can also gather as much equipment as you want before the event! A few tips: - If you don't already know Taviana map like your own pockets, you might want to consider studying the map! - You should pay a visit to our server beforehand and fix a vehicle and some equipment before the event! You can find more information & ask questions on our forums @ http://gearfactory.fi/forum Sincerely, The staff of Gear Factory
  3. Up we go! Only few hours left to event!
  4. 1 Day left till event! Come check us out :]. also update on the event! // The position of the target will be on the SMALLER(Left) Island. More information about the spot tomorrow.
  5. 2 days till event, come check us out!