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About lolrade

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  1. lolrade

    Some zombies in the woods/up north.

    I would actually like to see zombies in packs or hordes traveling about. Not many, but seeing the occasional horde shuffling through the woods or a field would be cool.
  2. lolrade

    So just for clarification....

    Thanks a lot man
  3. If I log off for a few days, I will die due to not drinking or eating?
  4. Possibly suggested before: Perhaps a grouping system (without group VON) that had some sort of bonus for teamplay is the way to go. Instead of punishing players who have a different play style, nudge people towards working together.
  5. lolrade

    ACRE Support

    Yes please for ACRE. It's incredibly immersive and would add a lot of interesting gameplay
  6. lolrade

    In-Game Group System

    I don't know, I feel as if group VON and map markers would ruin a lot of the atmosphere of the mod.
  7. But often times you're already dead or so wounded that it doesn't really matter by that point.
  8. Just slightly reduce the supplies you can scavenge, spread out player spawns, add more zombies, and make them slightly more aware. If you up the difficulty a bit, it'll almost force players to work together or die. If anything, it will be better than the current broken morality system in place.
  9. First of all, thanks for the great response. Secondly, while I agree with you about The Walking Dead, I was just using it as an example. (and yes, I have read world war z). Really, my main argument comes down to this: don't take the freedom of choice from players to solve an issue. I would agree to a zombie buff of sorts (maybe players would be more keen on alliances if survival was more of a challenge?) but the humanity system just punishes players for dealing with situations in a way they deem necessary. It might even make the PvP problem worse when players are afraid to fire on potential threats due to the humanity hit. I just feel it is too flawed, gamey, and relatively unfair to be in DayZ. Instead of the current system, I feel as if everyone would benefit more if the dev team explored better options.
  10. While you are correct about it being about surviving a zombie apocalypse, I feel that if this mod wants to continue to distinguish itself from the other "shoot npcs" mods, it needs to keep that human greed as a threat. Also, in The Walking Dead, there was also the trouble with that other survivor group with Randal. If I remember correctly, there was a full on firefight. Not only that, but there was almost a fight with the other group in the nursing home. Human against human struggle is what will keep this mod fresh and fun. Let's face it, arma 2's AI is not exactly a pillar for an entire experience to lean on, especially when all it does is run at you. EDIT: I'm also not arguing against co-op one bit. I usually steer clear of PvP games. Also, a person is not exactly a lazy useless bastard if they HAD to kill someone for food or water, they're just surviving, exactly what this mod is setting out to simulate.
  11. No offense, Oktyabr, but I don't think you get the driving "survival" concept behind this mod. Have you watched any Romero movies? Or perhaps The Walking Dead? A key theme in a lot of shows and movies that are zombie or apocalypse based, is that zombies are just an obstacle, and many times the real threat are other human beings. It adds an entirely new dimension to this mod that no other Arma 2 zombie mod has. Deciding who you can and cannot trust should be left up to the players in the situations that they find themselves in. Just like in an actual apocalypse scenario, you will learn to adapt and overcome to become stronger than everyone else, or you will die. This being said, if there really is a huge issue, I believe there are many different ( and better) ways to deal with it rather than a "this guy kills people" banner. (like my earlier suggestion)
  12. To be honest, I feel the morality system is what will destroy this mod. Personally, I feel varied spawning points are a better way to deal with the PvP issues. If you don't start near many other players, you'll either learn to survive and play the game correctly, or die. It really would be simple to implement and wouldn't absolutely ruin the immersiveness. Plus, if you're alone for a while to start, you'll probably be a lot more willing to work with the first humans you find. EDIT: Plus, I don't think a morality system in a survival game really makes much sense. You're supposed to look at every situation with not what is right or wrong (which has a lot of gray areas anyway), but with the mindset of what will keep you alive.